Бер Гильда Николаевна
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- From Relatives
После замужества сменила фамилию на Котова, в браке рождено 2 детей - Александр и Татьяна. Умерла в декабре 2000 года в п.Бородинском Тульской области Киреевского района.
Short and sometimes fragmentary information, as well as errors in the text, should not be considered our negligence or the negligence of relatives; it's not even an act of disrespect to any individual. Rather, it's a plea for help. The topic of repression and the number of victims, as well as related themes, are so vast that the forces and resources we have may not always meet the demands of our readers. That's why we turn to you: if you see that a particular story needs supplementation, don't pass by. Share your knowledge or sources where you may have seen information about this person, or perhaps you'd like to tell us about someone else. Remember, if you share information you've found with us, we'll do our best to quickly update and improve the text and all the materials on the site. Thousands of our readers will be grateful to you!