2587375 names saved
It is not counted how many talents were destroyed, and, of course, we will never know how many of them were stifled in the bud, not having had the chance to speak in science. We are deprived of the possibility to name them individually: "They took away the list, and there is nowhere to find out" (Ahmatova). But through the tragic fates of those who were destined to inscribe their names in the annals of science, we can form an idea of how the infernal machine of repression worked. Some were exiled, shot, perished in camps, others were hounded by ideological inquisition, third were driven into "sharashkas", fourth found themselves without students, falling into the countless number of "enemies of the people", fifth escaped by fleeing into emigration. Before us is an unprecedented phenomenon in the history of human culture - the phenomenon of repressed science.