2587337 names saved

Repressed writers and poets. I would like to name them all individually...


The list is constantly being updated.

Poets are not born by chance,
They descend to earth from on high,
Their lives are shrouded in deep mystery,
Though they are open and simple...
Igor Talkov.

Executed by the decisions of extrajudicial and judicial bodies:

  1. AALTO Vyajne Ivanovich (1899 – 1938, Levashovo)
  2. ABOLTINSH Vilis Fritzovich (Villi Aboltynsh) (1905 – 1938, Butovo)
  3. ABUKOV Khalid Kachukovich (1900 – 1937, Sandarmokh)
  4. ABCHUK Avrom Pinchusovich (1897 - 1937, Bykovnya)
  5. AVERBAKH Leopold Leonidovich (Leibovich) (1903 - 1937, Donskoy crematorium)
  6. AGEYEV Fakhrel Islam Negmyatullovich (1887 – 1937, Saransk(?))
  7. AGRB Vladimir Vasilievich (1912 - 1937)
  8. ADELGEYM Anatoly Pavlovich (1911 – 1942)
  9. ADONTS (pseud. Petersburg) Gaik Georgievich (1897 - 1938, Levashovo)
  10. AYVAZOV Asan Sabri Abibulaevich (1878 - 1938, Simferopol)
  11. AYZENBERG Alexander Abramovich (1904 - 1941, "Kommunarka")
  12. AYMAUYTOV (AYMAUTOV) Zhusipbek (Dzhusupbek) (1895 – 1930, Vagankovo Cemetery)
  13. AYSAKHANOV Shamsuddin Kataevich (1907 – 1938, Grozny)
  14. AKSELRROD Zelik Moiseevich (1904 – 26.6.1941, forest near Minsk)
  15. AKCHOKRAKLY Osman Nuri-Asanovich (1879 - 1938, Simferopol)
  16. ALEKPERLI Mamed Kyazim Alekper oglu (1905 - 1938, Baku)
  17. ALEKSEEV(Charnoksky) Gleb Vasilievich (1894 - 1938, "Kommunarka")
  18. ALIEV Umar Djashuevich (1895 -1938, Stavropol)
  19. AMANTAY Gabdulla Sakhipgareevich (Abdulla Gareevich) (1907 – 1938, Ufa)
  20. AMBALOV Tsotsko Bitsoevich (Uvar Vasilievich) (1870 - 1937, Vladikavkaz)
  21. ANGARSKIY-KLYOSTOV Nikolay Semenovich (1873 - 1941, "Kommunarka")
  22. Prince ANDRONNIKOV Yasse Nikolaevich (Andronikashvili Yasse Ivanovich) (1893 – 1937, Sandarmokh)
  23. ARNIGON Ilas (Toguzov, Gazak Ilasovich (Vasily Ilyich) (1888 – 1938, Vladikavkaz)
  24. AROSEV Alexander Yakovlevich (1890 - 1938, "Kommunarka")
  25. ASTREYKO Sergey Adamovich (1913(1912) -1937, Irbit) (arrested in 1933, sentenced to 5 years exile by the OGPU Collegium; in 1937 sentenced to execution by shooting "3" NKVD Ural Region)
  26. ATAMANYUK-YABLUNENKO Vasily Ivanovich (1897 – 1937, Sandarmokh)
  27. AUSLENDER Sergey Abramovich (1886 - 1937, Butovo)
  28. AFAUNOV Izmail Tulevich (1904 - 1937, Nalchik)
  29. AHUNDOV Rukhulla Ali oglu (1897 - 1938, "Kommunarka")
  30. BAAZOV Hertzel Davidovich (1904 - 1938, Tbilisi)
  31. BABADZHAN Veniamin Sergeyevich (1894 - 1920, Feodosia) (shot as a Denikin officer)
  32. BABEL (Bobel) Isaak Emmanuilovich (1894 - 1940, Donskoy crematorium)
  33. BABICH Shaikhzada Mukhametzakirovich (1895 - killed by Red Army soldiers in 1919 in the village of Zilair, Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic)
  34. BAGLYUK Grigory Nikitovich (1905 - 1938, Vorkuta)
  35. BAGROV (Bestemennikov) Viktor Alexandrovich (1912 – 1938, Kuibyshev)
  36. BADAN-YAVORENKO Alexander Ivanovich (1894-1937, Sandarmokh)
  37. BADMAZHAPOV Tsogto Garmaevich (1879 – 1937, Novosibirsk)
  38. BAITURSYNOV Akhmet (1873 – 1937, Alma-Ata)
  39. BAKUNTS Axel (Tevosyan Alexander Stepanovich) (1899 - 1937, Yerevan)
  40. BALIN Alexander Ivanovich (1890 - 1937, Irkutsk)
  41. BARADIYN Bazar Baradievich (pseud. Samandabadra) (1878 – 1937, Levashovo)
  42. BARAKOV Gino Faddeevich (1890 - 1937, Vladikavkaz)
  43. BARYL Lev Pavlovich (1903 - 1938)
  44. BARTA Alexander (Shandor Rudolfovich) (also known as Bergman Joseph) (1897 - 1938, Butovo)
  45. BARCHENKO Alexander Vasilyevich (1881 -1938, "Kommunarka")
  46. BATENI (Batenin) Erazm Semyonovich (1883 - 1937, Sandarmokh)
  47. BATRAK (Kozlovsky) Ivan Andreevich (1892 – 1938, "Kommunarka")
  48. BAUZE Robert Petrovich (1895 - 1938, Levashovo)
  49. BEDZHYZATY Chermen Davidovich (1898 - 1938, Sukhumi)
  50. BEZBORODOV Sergey Konstantinovich (1903 - 1937, Levashovo)
  51. BELITSKY Georgy Yeremeyevich (1905 - 1938, Levashovo)
  52. BELSKY-BILENKIN Yakov Moiseevich (1897 — 1937, Donskoye Cemetery)
  53. BEN (Bendyuzhenko) Stepan Fyodorovich (1900 - 1937, Cherkassy)
  54. BERGIS Simanis (BERG Semen Adamovich) (1887(1885) —1938, Butovo)
  55. BERGELSON David Rafailovich (1884 -1952, Donskoy crematorium)
  56. BERZIN Yuly Solomonovich (1904—1942, Dalstroi)
  57. BESKINA Anna Yakovlevna (1903 - 1937, Sandarmokh)
  58. BESPALOV Ivan Mikhaylovich (1900 - 1937, Donskoy crematorium)
  59. BESPAMYATNOV Viktor Vasilyevich (1903 – 1938, Levashovo)
  60. BILINKEVICH Pyotr Semyonovich (1915 - 1941, "Kommunarka")
  61. BLUMFELD Pyotr Vilisovich (1891 - 1938, Butovo)
  62. BOBINSKY Vasily Petrovich (1898 – 1938, Mednoye)
  63. BOBRISHCHEV-PUSHKIN Alexander Vladimirovich ((1875 – 1937, Sandarmokh)
  64. BOGOLYUBOV Konstantin Nikolaevich (pseudonym N. Konstantinov) (1905 - 1937, Levashovo)
  65. BOGUSLAVSKY Konstantin Mikhaylovich (1905 - 1938, "Kommunarka")
  66. BOLSHAKOV Konstantin Aristarkhovich (1895 – 1938, "Kommunarka")
  67. BORIEV Komush Ali (1896 - 1937, Sandarmokh)
  68. BORUKAYEV Tuta Magomedovich (1888 – 1937, Pyatigorsk)
  69. BRAUN Yakov Veniaminovich (1889 - 1937, Samara)
  70. BRIK Boris Ilyich (1904 - 1942, Mariinsk) (sentenced to execution by shooting by the OSO of the NKVD of the USSR)
  71. BRISKIN Alexander Mikhaylovich (1894 - 1938, "Kommunarka")
  72. BRONSHTEYN Yakov Anatolyevich (1897 - 1937 , Kuropaty)
  73. BRUNI Nikolay Alexandrovich (1891 – 1938, Novaya Ukhtarka, Komi ASSR)
  74. BUZUK Petr Afanasyevich (1891 – 1938, Vologda)
  75. BUZKO Dmitry Ivanovich (1891 -1937, Bykovnya)
  76. BUKEYKHANOV Alikhan Nurmuhammedovich (1866 - 1937, Donskoye Cemetery)
  77. BULATOVICH Nikolay Yevgenevich (1902 - 1937, Bykovnya)
  78. BULATSEL Pavel Fyodorovich (1867 – 1919, Petrograd) (shot by Petrograd Cheka as a Russian nationalist)
  79. BUREVOY Klim (Uragan Kost, Soplyakov Konstantin Stepanovich) (1888 – 1934, Lukyanovsky Cemetery, Kiev)
  80. BURLYUK Nikolay Davidovich (1890 - 1920, Kherson)
  81. BURNASH, Fathi (Burnashev Fathelislam Zakirovich) (1898 - 1942, Kuibyshev) (shot by the decision of the OSO of the NKVD of the USSR)
  82. BUKHOV Arkadiy Sergeyevich (1889 – 1937, Donskoye Cemetery)
  83. VADBOVSKIY Avenir Avenirovich (1898 – 1930, Vagankovo)
  84. VAZILLO Alexander Timofeyevich (1888 – 1937, Vladimir)
  85. VAKAR (VOKOR) Gro (Grigoriy Vasilyevich) (1901 -1937, Sandarmokh)
  86. VANDURSKIY Vitold Vatslavovich (1891 – 1934, Vagankovo)
  87. VARDIN-MGELADZE Illarion Vissarionovich (1890 – 1941, "Kommunarka")
  88. VARTANOV Valentin Georgiyevich (1909 - 1937, Sandarmokh)
  89. VASILEVSKIY-NEBUKVA Ilya Markovich (1882 - 1938, "Kommunarka")
  90. Professor VASILYEV Boris Aleksandrovich (1899 – 1937, Levashovo)
  91. VASILYEV Ivan Mikhaylovich (1902 – 1937, Donskoye Cemetery)
  92. VASILYEV Pavel Nikolaevich (1910 – 1937, Donskoye Cemetery)
  93. VASILYEVA-LUKINA Raisa Rodionovna (1902 - 1938, Vorkuta)
  94. VELKOVICH Iosif Zalmanovich (1911 – 1938, Northeast LAG, Kolyma)
  95. VERMEL Filipp Matveyevich (1898 – 1938, Butovo)
  96. VESENIEV-LERSKIY Ilya Aleksandrovich (1893 – 1937, Orenburg)
  97. VESELY Artem (Kochkurov Nikolay Ivanovich) (1899 - 1938, "Kommunarka")
  98. VIKSNE Pavel Yakovlevich (1894 - 1938, "Kommunarka")
  99. VINOGRADOV Nikolay Nikolaevich (1876 -1938, Sandarmokh)
  100. VINOKUROV Ivan Semyonovich (1904 - 1937, Donskoye Cemetery)
  101. VIRTANEN Emil Ivanovich (1900 – 1937, Petrozavodsk)
  102. VITYAZEV (Sedenko) Ferapont Ivanovich (1886 - 1938, "Kommunarka")
  103. VLYZKO Oleksa Fyodorovich (1908—1934, Lukyanovsky Cemetery, Kiev)
  104. VOZNESENSKIY Alexander Nikolaevich (1879 – 1938, "Kommunarka")
  105. VOLNY (Azghirey) Anatoliy Ustinovich (1902 – 1937, Kurapaty)
  106. VORONITSYN Ivan Petrovich (1885 - 1938, Perm)
  107. VORONOI Marko Nikolaevich (1904 – 1937, Sandarmokh)
  108. VORONOY Mykola Kondratievich (1871 - 1938, Odessa)
  109. VORONSKIY Alexander Konstantinovich (1884 - 1937, Donskoye Cemetery)
  110. VORUSSKIY Vasily Andreevich (1902 - 1938, Butovo)
  111. VOSTRIKOV Andrey Ivanovich (1902 – 1937, Donskoye Cemetery)
  112. VRAZHLIVY (Shtanko) Vasily Yakovlevich (1903—1937, Leningrad)
  113. VUKHNAL Yuri (Kovtun Ivan Dmitrievich) (1906 - 1937, Bykovnya)
  114. VYAZIGIN Andrey Sergeyevich (1867 – on the night of September 24, 1919, Oryol) (beheaded among other hostages in the Cheka area)
  115. VYATKIN Georgiy Andreevich (1885 -1938, Novosibirsk)
  116. VYATYANEN Tatu Larsovic (1898 – 1938, Petrozavodsk)
  117. GAGLOEV Ruten Nesterovich (Andrey Gbievich) (pseudonym Muzukk Sidæynag) (1888 - 1937, Tskhinvali)
  118. GALANOV Vladimir Mikhaylovich (1895 – 1925, Yauza Hospital territory)
  119. GALYA (Mardzhani, GALYAUTDINOV) Mahmud Galyautdinovich (1886 -1937, Donskoy Crematorium)
  120. GAMZA-GAMZAGURDIA Yaroslav Petrovich (1897 - 1937, "Kommunarka")
  121. GANI-ZADE, Sultan Medjid Murtaza-Ali oglu (1866- 1937, Baku)
  122. GANIN Alexey Alexeyevich (1893 – 1925, Yauza Hospital)
  123. GASTEV Alexey Kapitonovich ((1882 – 1939, "Kommunarka")
  124. GATUYEV Dzakho (Konstantin) Alexeyevich (1892 - 1938, Vladikavkaz)
  125. GAFAROV Jafar Abdullah (1898 - 1938, Simferopol)
  126. GELMERSEN Vasily Vasilyevich (1873 - 1937, Sandarmokh)
  127. GERASIMOV Mikhail Prokofievich (1889 – 1937, Donskoye Cemetery)
  128. GERD Kuzebay (Chaynikov Kuzma Pavlovich) (1898 – 1937, Sandarmokh)
  129. GIRAYBAY Amdi (Lyatifov Abdulatif) ((1901 – 1930, Vagankovo)
  130. GLEZEL (GLES) Samuil Markovich (1910 - 1937, Levashovo)
  131. GLUSHKOV Mikhail Aleksandrovich (1896 - 1938, Ukh-PechLAG)
  132. GOLOVACH Platon Romanovich (1903 - 1937, Kurapaty)
  133. GOLDBERG Isaak Grigorievich (1884 - 1938, Irkutsk)
  134. GOLDFELD-ZELTINSH Otto Juliusovich (1889 - 1941, "Kommunarka")
  135. GORBACHEV Georgiy Yefimovich (1897 -1937, Verkhneuralsk)
  136. GORETSKIY Maxim Ivanovich (1893 -1938, Vyazma)
  137. GOFSHTEYN David Naumovich (1889 – 1952, Donskoy Crematorium)
  138. GRABAR-SHPOLYANSKIY Leonid Yuryevich (1896(1901) - 1937, Sandarmokh)
  139. GRINS Alexander Ekab (1895 – December 1941, Astrakhan)
  140. GUBER Boris Andreevich (1903 - 1937, Donskoye Cemetery)
  141. GUMILEV Nikolay Stepanovich (1886 – 1921, Rzhev Art Polygon)
  142. GUREVICH Samuil Davidovich (1904 - 1951, Donskoy Crematorium)
  143. GUSEYN Seid (Sadykh-zade, Seyid Guseyn Mir-Kazym ogly) (1887 - 1938, Baku)
  144. GUTMAN Vera Nikolaevna (1901 - 1937, Sandarmokh)
  145. DAVLETBAYEV Mazhit Boranbayevich (1900(1896) – 1938, Alma-Ata)
  146. DAVLESHIN Gabbas Yagafovich (1892—1937, Ufa)
  147. DAVLESHIN Gubai (Gubaydulla) Akhmetkireyevich (1893 - 1938, Ufa)
  148. DAVIDOV Evgeniy Vasilyevich (1873 – 1937, Orenburg)
  149. DAGAYEV Sergey Mikhaylovich (1910 - 1938 , Levashovo)
  150. DVORCHANIN Ignatiy Semyonovich (1895 – 1937, Leningrad)
  151. DVORYASHIN Viktor Ivanovich (1897 – 1925, Yauza Hospital territory, Moscow)
  152. DEMUAR Nikolay Aleksandrovich (1897 - 1938, Levashovo)
  153. DENISOV Georgiy Nikolaevich (1893 – 1937, Butovo)
  154. DENISOV Yakov Andreevich (1862 – 1919, Oryol) (executed by the local Cheka during the Red Terror)
  155. DJAVAD Ahmed (Akhund-zade, Ahmed Djavad Mamed-Ali ogly) (1892 - 1937, Baku)
  156. DJAVAKHISHVILI (Adamishvili) Mikhail Savvich (1880 - 1937, Tbilisi)
  157. DJANSUGUROV Ilyas ((1894 – 1937, Alma-Ata)
  158. DJEMALEDDINOV Abdull Kerim (1893 - 1938, Simferopol)
  159. DOMSKIY Genrikh Genrikhovich (1883 - 1937, Donskoy Crematorium)
  160. DOROZHNY-MINENKO Ivan Dmitrievich (1897 – 1937, Sandarmokh)
  161. DOSVITNY Oles (Skrypal-Mischenko Alexander Fyodorovich) (1891—1934, Kharkov)
  162. DRAI-KHMARA Mikhail Afanasyevich (1889 - 1939, Kolyma)
  163. DRANOVSKIY Lev Zelmanovich ((1899 – 1938, Vorkuta mine)
  164. DREZEN-SAZONOVA Elena Konstantinovna (1899 - 1937, "Kommunarka")
  165. DROZDOVSKIY Vasily Viktorovich (1900 – 1938, Norilsk)
  166. DUBOV Vasily Stepanovich (1904 – 1938, Kolyma)
  167. DUDAR Ales (Daylidovich Alexander Alexandrovich) (1904 – 1937, Kurapaty)
  168. DUNETS Khatskel Moiseevich (1897 - 1937 , Kurapaty)
  169. DUSINSKIY Ivan Ivanovich (1879 – 1919, Odessa) (shot by the Odessa Cheka as a reactionary and monarchist)
  170. DYMOV Adam Gafarovitch (1874 (1883) - 1937, Nalchik)
  171. DYAKONOV Mikhail Alexeevich (1885 - 1938, Levashovo)
  172. Lieutenant General ELCHANINOV Andrey Georgievich (1868 – 1918, Odessa)
  173. EFREMOV Tikhon Efremovich (1868 - 1938, Yoshkar-Ola)
  174. ZHANTIEV Gleb Sergeyevich (1910 – 1938, Solovki)
  175. ZHIGULSKIY Nikolay Ivanovich (1906 – 1937, Donskoye Cemetery)
  176. ZHUBANOV (Dzhubanov) Khudaybergen Kuanovich (1899 – 1938, Alma-Ata)
  177. ZHUMABAYEV Magzhan (Magzhan Bekenkulovich Zhuma) (1893 – 1937, Alma-Ata)
  178. ZHURAKOVSKIY Anatoliy Yevgenyevich (o. Anatoliy) (1897 – 1937, Sandarmokh)
  179. ZAVALISHIN Alexander Ivanovich (1891 -1938, "Kommunarka")
  180. ZAZUBRIN (Zubtsov) Vladimir Yakovlevich (1895 - 1937, Donskoye Cemetery)
  181. ZANGIEV Babu Kasaevich (1869 - 1937, Vladikavkaz)
  182. ZARETSKIY-KOSYANKOV Mikhas (Mikhail Efimovich) (1901 - 1937, Kurapaty)
  183. ZARUDIN (Eikhelman) Nikolay Nikolaevich (1899 – 1937, Donskoye Cemetery)
  184. ZEYNALLY Khanafi Baba ogly (1896 - 1937, Baku)
  185. ZEROV Mykola Konstantinovich (1890 – 1937, Sandarmokh)
  186. ZORGENFREY Vilhelm Aleksandrovich (1882 – 1938, Levashovo)
  187. ZUBAKIN Boris Mikhaylovich (1894 – 1938, Butovo)
  188. ZUKKAU Herbert Avgustovich (1893 -1937, Tomsk)
  189. Professor IVANOV Alexey Ivanovich (1878 - 1937, Donskoye Cemetery)
  190. IOGANNSSON Oscar Erlandovich (1892 - 1938, Krasny Bor near Petrozavodsk)
  191. Metropolitan IOSIF (Petrovych Ivan Semyonovich) (1872 – 1937, Lisy Balka near Chimkent)
  192. IRKABAYEV Abdulkhay (Abdelkhay) (1893 - killed by the Red Army in 1919 in the village of Zilair, Bashkir ASSR)
  193. IRCHAN Miroslav (Babyuk Andrey Dmitrievich) (1896 - 1937, Sandarmokh)
  194. ISHMAGUL Bulat (Gabdrakhmanov Gabdrakhman Zakirovich) (1900 – 1938, Ufa)
  195. IOGANNSEN Mayk (Mikhail Gervasyevich) (1896—1937, Bykovnya)
  196. KAZANSKIY Porfiri Aleksyevich ((1885 – 1938, Barnaul)
  197. KALITIN Pavel Aleksandrovich (1908 – 1938, Levashovo)
  198. KALNIN Jan Antonovich (1902 – 1938, Levashovo)
  199. KALYANNIK (Kalyannikov) Ivan Ivanovich (1911 – 1937, Bykovnya)
  200. KAMEGULOV Anatoliy Dmitrievich (1900 -1937, Turgay)
  201. KANEGISSER Leonid Ioakimovich (1896 – 1918, city of Petrograd)
  202. KAPELGORODSKIY Philipp Iosifovich (1882 - 1938, city of Poltava)
  203. KARPOV Mikhail Yakovlevich (1895 -1937, Donskoy crematorium)
  204. KARRIK-IRKUTOV Andrey Dmitrievich (1897 - 1938, "Kommunarka")
  205. KASATKIN Ivan Mikhaylovich (1880 – 1938, "Kommunarka")
  206. KASSIL Iosif Abramovich (younger brother of L. Kassil) (1908—1938, city of Saratov)
  207. KATAEV Ivan Ivanovich (1902 - 1937, Don cemetery)
  208. KAURICHEV Nikolay Sergeyevich (1899 – 1941, "Kommunarka")
  209. KACHANYUK Mikhail Adamovich (1889 - 1937, Sandarmokh)
  210. KVITKO Lev (Leiba) Moiseevich (1882 – 1952, Donskoy crematorium)
  211. KEMENGEROV Koshmukhamed (Khodzhmukhamed) (1896 – 1937, city of Omsk)
  212. KIKODZE Platon Iosifovich (1905 -1937, Sandarmokh)
  213. KIN-SUROVIKIN Victor Pavlovich (1903 -1938, "Kommunarka")
  214. KIRILENKO Ivan Ulyanovich (1903 - 1938, Bykovnya)
  215. KIRILLOV Vladimir Timofeevich (1890 – 1937, Don cemetery)
  216. KIRSHON Vladimir Mikhaylovich (1902 -1938, "Kommunarka")
  217. KLAU Nikolay Fyodorovich (1902 – 1938, Levashovo)
  218. KLYCHKOV (Leshenkov) Sergey Antonovich ((1889 – 1937, Don cemetery)
  219. KLYUEV Nikolay Alexeevich (1884 – 1937, city of Tomsk)
  220. KLYUKIN Innokentiy Andrianovich (1889 – 1938, city of Vladivostok)
  221. KLYASHTORNY Todor (Fedot) Fyodorovich (1903 – 1937, Kuropaty)
  222. KOBYAKOV Vasily Andreevich (1907 – 1938, Krasnoyarsk)
  223. KOVALENKO Boris Lvovich (1903 - 1937, Bykovnya)
  224. KOVALENKO Grigory Alexeevich (1868 -1937, city of Poltava)
  225. KOVALENKO Mikhail Alexeevich (1892 - 1937, Don cemetery)
  226. KOVAL (Kovalev) Vasily Petrovich (1907 – 1937, Kuropaty)
  227. KOVALCHUK Yakov Efremovich (1889 -1937, Sandarmokh)
  228. KOZHAYEV Sosruko Magometovich (1901 - 1938, Solovki)
  229. KOZORYZ Mykhailo Kirovich (1880 -1937, Sandarmokh)
  230. KOLBASYEV Sergey Adamovich (1898 – 1937, Leningrad)
  231. KOLTZOV Mikhail Efimovich (Friedman Moisey) (1898 -1940, Donskoy crematorium)
  232. KOMISSARZHEVSKY Nikolay Fyodorovich (1882 - 1938, "Kommunarka")
  233. KONIK Dmitry Yudovich (1898 – 1937, Kuropaty)
  234. KONKURANOV Mikhail Petrovich (1900 - 1938, Levashovo)
  235. KORVIN-KRUKOVSKAYA Tatyana Alexandrovna (1890 – 1938, city of Murmansk)
  236. KORNILOV Boris Petrovich (1907 – 1938, Levashovo)
  237. KORHONEN Eva Fomichna (1895 -1937, city of Leningrad)
  238. KORYAK Vladimir Dmitrievich (Blumstein Volko Davidovich) (1889 - 1937, Bykovnya)
  239. KOSYNKA (Streletz) Grigory Mikhaylovich (1899—1934, Lukyanovskoye cemetery, city of Kiev)
  240. KOTSYUBA (Kotsegub) Gordy Maximovich (1892 - 1938, city of Kharkov)
  241. KOCHARLINSKY Firidun-bek Ahmed-bek oglu (1863 - 1920, city of Gandja)
  242. KRASIN Alexander Alexandrovich (1906- 1938, Dalstroi)
  243. KRUSHELNITSKY Anton Vladislavovich (1878 - 1937, Sandarmokh)
  244. KRUSHELNITSKY Ivan Antonovich (son of Krushelnitsky A.) (1905 – 1934, Lukyanovskoye cemetery, city of Kiev)
  245. KRYUCHKOV Dmitry Alexandrovich (1877 – 1938, Yaroslavl)
  246. KUDAYBERDYEV Shakarim (1858 - 1931, Chinngistau)
  247. KULAEV Sozyryko (Siko, Sozruko) Alexandrovich (1900-1938, city of Tskhinvali)
  248. KULIK Ivan Yulianovich (Israel Yudelevich) (1897 - 1937, Bykovnya)
  249. KULISH Mykola Guryevich (1892 -1937, Sandarmokh)
  250. KULLE Robert Frederikovich (1885 – 1938, Novaya Ukhtarka village, UkhutPechLAG)
  251. KUL'BAK Moisey Solomonovich (1896 – 1937, Kuropaty)
  252. KUNIN Abram Yefimovich (1879 -1937, city of Leningrad)
  253. KUSHNER Boris Anisimovich (1888 – 1937, Donskoy crematorium)
  254. KYPSAK (KARAKYPSAK) Ibrahim (Ibrahimov Abdullah) (1895—1937, Don cemetery)
  255. LAYTSENS Linards Petrovich (1883 – 1937, Don cemetery)
  256. LASTOVSKIY Vatslav Ustinovich (1883 - 1938, city of Saratov)
  257. LEBED Ananiy Dmitrievich (1898 - 1937, city of Leningrad)
  258. LEVIN Gerasim Aleksandrovich (1900 - 1941, "Kommunarka")
  259. LEVIN Solomon Vulfovich (1912- 1937, Kuropaty)
  260. LEVITSKIY Vasily Ivanovich (1902 -1937, head of the LodzPolish region ITL Leningrad region)
  261. LEDOMSKIY Innokentiy Vladimirovich (1897 - 1937, "Kommunarka")
  262. LEZHNEV (Gorelik) Abram Zakharovich (1893 - 1938, "Kommunarka")
  263. LEYFERT Andrey Alekseevich (1898 -1937, Don cemetery)
  264. LELEVICH Grigory (Kalmanzon Labory Gilelevich) (1901 – 1937, city of Chelyabinsk)
  265. LIVSHITS Benedikt Konstantinovich (Nakhmanovich Naumovich) (1887 – 1938, Levashovo)
  266. LIPA Yuri Ivanovich (1900 - 1944, Lviv region) (captured as a Ukrainian insurgent by parts of the Red Army and shot)
  267. LITAUER Emiliya Emmanuilovna (1902 - 1941, "Kommunarka")
  268. LOZINA-LOZINSKIY (Lyubich-Yarmolovich-Lozina-Lozinskiy) Vladimir Konstantinovich (priest Vladimir) (1885 – 1937, Novgorod)
  269. LOMAKIN Ignatiy Semenovich (1885 - 1938, Levashovo)
  270. Colonel LOMAN Dmitry Nikolaevich (1868 – 1918, city of Petrograd) (shot during the period of the Red Terror)
  271. LOSKUTOV Mikhail Petrovich (1906 - 1941, "Kommunarka")
  272. LYUTKEVICH-FENIGSHTAYN Stanislav Stanislavovich (1897 - 1938, "Kommunarka")
  273. LYAVONNYY Yurka (Yurkevich Leonid Nikolaevich) (1908 – 1937, Kuropaty)
  274. LYATIF-ZADE Abdullo Abilevich (1890 - 1938, city of Simferopol)
  275. MAZNIN Dmitry Mikhaylovich (pseudonym Arseniy Granin) (1902 – 1937, NortheastLAG, Kolyma)
  276. MAKAROV Ivan Ivanovich (1900 - 1937, Don cemetery)
  277. MAKINTSIAN Pavel Nikitovich (Makintsyan Pogos) (1888 - 1938, city of Yerevan)
  278. MAKSIDOV (Makhsidov) Zalimkhan Bituevich (1910(1909) -1937, city of Nalchik)
  279. MAKUKHA Alexey Borisovich (1912 - 1937, head of the LodzPolish region ITL Leningrad region)
  280. MARKISH Perets Davidovich (Shimshonovich-Berovich) (1895 – 1952, Donskoy crematorium)
  281. MART (Matveyev) Venedikt Nikolaevich (1896 - 1937, Kiev)
  282. MATCHENKO Ivan Pavlovich (1860 – 1919, city of Kiev) (shot by the organs of the Cheka as a Russian nationalist)
  283. Professor MATSOKIN Nikolay Petrovich (1886 – 1937, Don cemetery)
  284. MEDVEDEV Pavel Nikolaevich (1891 - 1938, Levashovo)
  285. MEN'SHIKOV Mikhail Osipovich (1859 – 1918, shore of Valdai Lake) (shot by the organs of the Cheka as a Russian nationalist)
  286. MESHCHERSKIY Alexander Pavlovich (1861 – 1937, city of Orenburg)
  287. MESHCHERYAKOV Timofey Stepanovich (1901 - 1937, Don cemetery)
  288. MIL'CHIK Isay Isaevich (1879 - 1938, Levashovo)
  289. MIRONOV Tikhon Petrovich (1901 – 1938, city of Saransk)
  290. MITSISHVILI (Sirbiladze) Nikolay Iosifovich (1896 - 1937, city of Tbilisi)
  291. MOGILYANSKA Lada (Mogilyanskaya Lydia Mikhaylovna) (1899 – 1937, Don cemetery)
  292. MORYAKOV Valeriy Dmitrievich (1909 – 1937, Kuropaty)
  293. MUMTAZ (Askerov) Salman Mamed-Amin oglu (1884 - 1941, Medvedevsky forest near the city of Orel)
  294. MUNASYYPOV Gabdulgaziz (1888 – 1922, city of Tashkent) (shot by the organs of the Cheka)
  295. MURZO Sergey Nikitovich (1912 – 1937, Kuropaty)
  296. MUSTANGOV(Rabinovich) Yevgeniya Yakovlevna (1905 - 1937, Sandarmokh)
  297. MUSHFIG Mikhail (Ismail-zade, Mikhail-Mushvik Abdulqadir oglu) (1908 - 1938, city of Baku)
  298. NALOYEV Jansokh Murzabekovich (1906 - 1937, city of Nalchik)
  299. NARBUT Vladimir Ivanovich (1888 – 1938, Dalstroi)
  300. NASEDKIN Vasily Fyodorovich (1894 - 1938, "Kommunarka")
  301. NEVSKIY Vladimir Ivanovich (Krivobokov Feodosiy Ivanovich) (1876 – 1937, Donskoy crematorium)
  302. Professor NEVSKIY Nikolay Aleksandrovich (1892 – 1937, Levashovo)
  303. NEDIM Mamut (1893 - 1938, city of Simferopol)
  304. NEKRASOV Nikolay Vladimirovich (1900 -1938, "Kommunarka")
  305. NEMANZADE (Neman-zade), Omar Faik (1872 - 1937, city of Baku)
  306. NYOMANSKIY Yanka (Petrovich, Ivan Andreevich) (1890 - 1937, Kuropaty)
  307. NIKIFOROV-VOLGIN Vasily Akimovich (1901 – 1941, Kirov)
  308. NIKIFOROV Georgiy Konstantinovich (1884 - 1938, "Kommunarka")
  309. NIKOLSKIY Boris Vladimirovich (1870 – 1919, Petrograd) (shot by the organs of the PetroChK as a Russian nationalist)
  310. NOVIKOV Andrey Nikitovich (1889 - 1941, "Kommunarka")
  311. NOVOSELOV Mikhail Aleksandrovich (1864 – 1938, city of Vologda)
  312. ODULOK Tэki (Spiridonov Nikolay Ivanovich) (1906 – 1938, Levashovo)
  313. OZOL-PRIEDNEK (Prednek) Karl Yanovich (1896 – 1938, Butovo)
  314. OZOLIN Yan Mikhaylovich (1911 – 1938, Omsk)
  315. OLEYNIKOV Nikolay Makarovich (1898 – 1937, Levashovo)
  316. OLYK IPAY (Stepanov Ipatiy Stepanovich) (1912 - 1937, Kokshaysky forest, city of Yoshkar-Ola)
  317. ORESHIN Pyotr Vasilyevich (1887 – 1938, "Kommunarka")
  318. OSSIP Alfred Gansovich (1906 – 1938, Levashovo)
  319. OSHAROV Mikhail Ivanovich (1894 - 1938, city of Novosibirsk)
  320. PAVLOVICH Iosif Yakovlevich ((1867 — 1919, city of Kiev) (shot by the organs of the Cheka as a Russian nationalist)
  321. Prince PALEY Vladimir Pavlovich (1896 – 1918, Alapayevsk - thrown alive into a mine)
  322. PANOV Andrey Stepanovich (1899 – 1937, Sandarmokh)
  323. PARFENOV-ALTAISKIY Petr Semyonovich (1844 – 1937, Donskoy crematorium)
  324. PEGELMAN (Pyegelman) Hans Gustavovich (1875 – 1938, Levashovo)
  325. PELEKAYS (Upmalis) Karlis (1896 - 1938)
  326. PETROV-ZAVADSKIY Petr Georgiyevich (1894 – 1938, Levashovo)
  327. PIVOVAROV Zyama Ruvimovich (1910 – 1937, Kuropaty)
  328. PIDMOGILNY Valerian Petrovich (1901 - 1937, Sandarmokh)
  329. PIKEL Richard Vitoldovich (1896 -1936, Donskoy crematorium)
  330. PILIPENKO Boris Nikiforovich (1892 - 1937, Sandarmokh)
  331. PILIPENKO Sergey Vladimirovich (1891—1934, city of Kharkov)
  332. PINES Dmitry Mikhaylovich (1891 -1937, Arkhangelsk)
  333. PIONTEK Lyutsiana Karlovna (wife of Ivan Kulik) (1899 - 1937, city of Kharkov)
  334. PIOTROVSKIY Andrian Ivanovich (1898 – 1937, Levashovo)
  335. Professor POZDNEEV Dmitry Matveyevich (1865 – 1937, Levashovo)
  336. Professor POLIVANOV Yevgeniy Dmitrievich (1891 - 1938, "Kommunarka")
  337. POLISHCHUK Valerian Lvovich (1897 – 1937, Sandarmokh)
  338. POLISHCHUK Klim Lavrentyevich (1891 – 1937, Sandarmokh)
  339. Professor POSLAVSKIY (Dzhura) Yuriy Ilyich (1890 – 1938, "Kommunarka")
  340. PRAVDUKHIN Valerian Pavlovich (1892 - 1938, "Kommunarka")
  341. PRIBLUDNYY Ivan (Ovcharenko Yakov Petrovich) (1905 – 1937, Don cemetery)
  342. PSHENOKOV Abdulla Kanshaovich (1907 - 1937, city of Nalchik)
  343. PSHUNOKOV Machrail Tlikeshovich (1898 - 1937, city of Nalchik)
  344. RAK-MIKHAYLOVSKIY Semyon Mikhaylovich (1885 - 1938, Kuropaty)
  345. RENO Jean (Kocherets Ilya) (1895 - 1937, Sandarmokh)
  346. ROZHDESTVENSKIY Nikolay Fedoseevich (1883 - 1938, "Kommunarka")
  347. ROMOV Sergey Matveyevich (Roffman Solomon Davidovich) (1883 - 1939, Donskoy crematorium)
  348. RUBLEVSKIY Alexey Denisovich (1904 - 1937, Sandarmokh)
  349. RUSTAM-BEK-TAGEEV Boris Leonidovich (1871 - 1938, "Kommunarka")
  350. Professor RYABOV Anatoliy Pavlovich (1894 – 1938, city of Saransk)
  351. SAVCHENKO Yakov Grigorievich (1890 -1937, Bykovnya)
  352. Academician SAMOYLOVICH Alexander Nikolaevich (1880 – 1938, "Kommunarka")
  353. SVESHNIKOV Vladimir Sergeyevich (1902 – 1938, Novaya Ukhtarka, Komi ASSR)
  354. SVIDZINSKIY Vladimir Efimovich (1885 - burned alive in September 1941 in the village of Nepokrytoe, Kharkov region by the NKVD squad under threat of captured and convoyed group to Wehrmacht units)
  355. SVIRIN Nikolay Grigorievich (1900 – 1938, Levashovo)
  356. SEYFULLIN Saken (Saduakas) (1894 – 1938, city of Alma-Ata)
  357. SELIVANOVSKIY Alexey Pavlovich (1900 - 1938, "Kommunarka")
  358. SETNITSKIY Nikolay Alexandrovich (1888 – 1937, Donskoy crematorium)
  359. SIBIRYAKOV Semyon Grigorievich (Braverman (Broverman) Srul Moishe Gershevich) (1888 – 1938, city of Moscow)
  360. SKACHKOV Mikhail Naumovich (1896 – 1937, Sandarmokh)
  361. SLISARENKO (Snisar) Oleksa Andreevich (1891 – 1937, Sandarmokh)
  362. SNEZHNY Vitaly (Kurochka Nikolay Nikitovich) (1898 – 1937, Leningrad)
  363. STANDE Stanislav (Richardovich) Richardovich (1897 – 1937, Donskoy crematorium)
  364. STASHEVSKIY Vasily Petrovich (1895 - 1937, Kuropaty)
  365. STENICH (Smetanich) Valentin Iosifovich (1898 – 1938, Levashovo)
  366. STESHENKO Ivan Mikhaylovich (pseud. Ivan Bedny, Iv.Sechevik, Svitlek) (1873 - 1918, city of Poltava) (killed by local Bolsheviks as a "Petlyura supporter")
  367. STRELTSOV Nikolay Konstantinovich (1890 - 1937, Sandarmokh)
  368. TABIDZE Titsian Yustinovich (1895 – 1937, city of Tbilisi)
  369. TAGI-ZADE Abdulla Mamed ogly (1897 – 1938, city of Baku)
  370. TAGIROV Afzal Mukhitdinovich (1890 -1937, Don cemetery)
  371. TALPA Mikhail Yevgenyevich (1894 - 1937, city of Nalchik)
  372. TARASOV Georgiy Ivanovich (1888 – 1938, Levashovo)
  373. TARASOV-RODIONOV Alexander Ignatyevich (1885 - 1938, "Kommunarka")
  374. TARASHKEVICH Bronislav Antonovich (1892 - 1938, Kuropaty)
  375. TARDOV Vladimir Gennadyevich (1879 – 1938, "Kommunarka")
  376. TARKHAN Ilyas Umerovich (1900 - 1938, city of Simferopol)
  377. TAS (Mogylianskiy) Dmitry Mikhaylovich (brother of Lada Mogilyanskaya) (1901 - 1938, Butovo)
  378. TAUBIN Julius (Yuday) Abramovich (1911 - 1937, Kuropaty)
  379. TAHO-GODI (TAHOGODI) Alibek Alibekovich (1892 – 1937, Don cemetery)
  380. TVERYAK (Solovyev) Alexey Artemyevich (1900 - 1937, city of Karkaralinsk)
  381. TEMMOEV Khamid Kasbotovich (Kaspotovich) (1909 - 1937) (1891 - 1938, city of Vologda)
  382. TER-VAGANYAN Vagarshak Arutyunovich (1893 – 1936, Donskoy crematorium)
  383. TERENTIEV Igor Gerasimovich (1892 – 1937, Don cemetery)
  384. TIBILOV Alexander Arsentyevich (1888 - 1937, city of Tskhinvali)
  385. TINCHURIN Karim Galievich (1887—1938, city of Kazan)
  386. TIKHMENEV Nikolay Petrovich (1873 – 1937, city of Orenburg)
  387. TOLSTOY Pavel Nikolaevich (1909 - 1941, "Kommunarka")
  388. TOTOVENTS Vaan (1893—1938, city of Yerevan)
  389. TRETYAKOV Sergey Mikhaylovich (1892 – 1937, Don cemetery)
  390. TUYKIN Fazyl Karimovich (1888 - 1938, Arkhangelsk cemetery, city of Kazan)
  391. TULUMBAY (TULUMBAYSKIY) Gumer (Shagiyakhmetov Gabdulkhak Zalyaletdinovich) (1900 – 1938, city of Kazan)
  392. TURSKIY-TONKONOGOV Vyacheslav Vladimirovich (1899 - 1937, Don cemetery)
  393. TURYANSKIY Roman Vladimirovich (1894 – 1940, Donskoy crematorium)
  394. URNIS Sergey Vladimirovich (1907 -1941, "Kommunarka")
  395. FAL'KOVSKIY (Levchuk) Dmitro Nikanorovich (1898 - 1934, Lukyanovskoye cemetery, city of Kiev)
  396. FARNION (Farniev) Kosta Solomonovich (1908 – 1937, city of Vladikavkaz)
  397. Captain FERRARI Elena Konstantinovna (Golubovskaya Olga Fyodorovna, Volya Elena Fyodorovna) (1899 - 1938, "Kommunarka")
  398. FELKOVSKIY Itsik Solomonovich (1891 – 1952, Donskoy crematorium)
  399. FILIPPOVICH Pavlo Petrovich (1891 – 1937, Sandarmokh)
  400. FILIPCHENKO Ivan Guryevich (1887 – 1937, Donskoy crematorium)
  401. FILYANSKIY Mykola Hryhorovych (1873—1938, Bykovnya)
  402. FLORENSKIY Pavel Alexandrovich (o.Pavel) (1882 - 1937, Prefecture of the Lodzno-Polsky district ITL Leningrad region)
  403. Corresponding member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, Professor FLORINSKIY Timofey Dmitrievich (1854 – 1919, city of Kiev) (shot by the Cheka as a Russian nationalist)
  404. KHAKIMOV Nigmat (Nigmatullay Giniatullovich) (1889 - 1937, Don cemetery)
  405. KHALME Karl Yalmarovich (1899 -1938, "Kommunarka")
  406. KHARIK Izi (Isaak) Davidovich (1898 – 1937, Kuropaty)
  407. KHARUZIN Vsevolod Alexeyevich (1909 – 1937, Sandarmokh)
  408. KHATULEV Pyotr Fyodorovich (1912 - 1937, Kuropaty)
  409. KHORODCHINSKIY (Tsederbaum-Kayskiy) Viktor Fyodorovich (1913 – 1937, city of Chelyabinsk)
  410. KHOTKEVICH Hnat Martynovich (pseudonym Hnat Halayda) (1877 - 1938, city of Kharkov)
  411. KHOHLOV Herman Dmitrievich (Novik Al.) (1908 – 1938, "Kommunarka")
  412. KHRISANFOV Nikolay Vasilyevich (1898 - 1938, Sandarmokh)
  413. KHULUFLU, Veli Magomed Guseyn oglu (1894 - 1937, city of Baku)
  414. TSEPLIS Alvils (Alviliy Karlovich) (1905 – 1938, Butovo)
  415. CHAVAYN Sergey Grigorievich (1888 – 1937, city of Yoshkar-Ola)
  416. Professor CHAIKIN Konstantin Ivanovich (1889 – 1938, "Kommunarka")
  417. CHAROT Mikhos (Kudzelka, Kudelko Mikhail Semyonovich) (1896 – 1937, Kuropaty)
  418. CHAYANOV Alexander Vasilyevich (1888 – 1937, city of Alma-Ata)
  419. CHEKRYGIN Nikolay Nikolaevich (1902 - 1925, Yauza hospital)
  420. CHEKRYGIN Pyotr Nikolaevich (1901 – 1925, Yauza hospital)
  421. CHERNYAKHOVSKAYA Veronika Alexandrovna (1900 -1938, Bykovnya) (shot in a state of insanity)
  422. CHERNYAVSKIY Mykola Fyodorovich (1867 - 1938, city of Kherson)
  423. Professor CHERNYAK Yevgeniy Iosifovich (1895 - 1937, Sandarmokh)
  424. CHERCHYANSKIY (Gubenko) Vasily Mikhaylovich (brother of O.Vishnya) (1888 - 1937, Bykovnya)
  425. Professor CHOBAN-ZADE Bekir Vaapovich (1893 – 1938, city of Baku)
  426. CHUDOFSKIY Valerian Adolfovich ((1882 – 1937, city of Ufa)
  427. CHUPRINKA Grigory Avraamovich ((1879 – 1921, city of Kiev)
  428. SHABDAR Osyp (Shabdarov Iosif Arkhipovich) (1898 – 1937, Kokshaisky forest, city of Yoshkar-Ola)
  429. SHAGAR, Sharaf Sharafutdinovich (pseudonym Shagar Sharaf) (1877 – 1938, city of Ufa)
  430. SHALAI (Shalaev) Makar Ksenofontovich (1906 - 1937, Kuropaty)
  431. SHAMARIN Dmitry Kuzmich (1912 - 1937, Donskoy crematorium)
  432. SHANTYR Fabian Gilyarovich (1887 - 1920, city of Novozybkov)
  433. SHAKHBAZI Tagi Abbas oglu (pseudonym Simurg) (1892—1938, city of Baku)
  434. Prince SHAKHOVSKOY Dmitry Ivanovich (1861 - 1939, "Kommunarka")
  435. SCHWARTZ Alexandra Pavlovna (1899 - 1937, Prefecture of the Lodzno-Polsky district ITL Leningrad region)
  436. SHEVTSOV Alexander Mikhaylovich (1914 – 1938, Dalstroi)
  437. SHERETLOKOV Tau-Sultan Alikhanovich (1884 – 1937, city of Nalchik)
  438. SCHILLER Eduard Adamovich (1890 -1938, "Kommunarka")
  439. SHKLOVSKIY Vladimir Borisovich (1889 – 1937, Levashovo)
  440. SHKURUPIY Geo (Georgiy Danilovich) (1903 – 1937, Leningrad)
  441. SHMIT-BIROYS Eduard (1891 – 1937, Sandarmokh)
  442. SHTANGEY Volodymyr Fokovych (1895 - 1937, Sandarmokh)
  443. SHUKAYLO Pavel Zakharovich (1904 – 1939, "Kommunarka")
  444. SCHCHOLEV Sergey Nikiforovich (1862 -1919, city of Kiev) (shot by the Cheka as a Russian nationalist)
  445. Professor SHCHUTSKIY Yulian Konstantinovich (1897 - 1938, Levashovo)
  446. Commander CORPUS EYDEMAN (Eydemannis) Robert Petrovich (1895 – 1937, Donskoy crematorium)
  447. EIDUK Yan Yuryevich (1897 – 1938, Levashovo)
  448. EPIK Hryhoriy Danyilovych (1901 – 1937, Sandarmokh)
  449. ERLIKH Vol'f Iosifovich (1902 – 1937, Levashovo)
  450. EFRON Sergey Yakovlevich (1893 - 1941, "Kommunarka")
  451. YUDELSON Aron Isaakovich (1907 – 1937, Kuropaty)
  452. YULTY (YULTYEV) Daut Iskhakovich (1893 – 1938, city of Ufa)
  453. YUMAGULOV Kharis Yumagulovich (1891—1937, Donskoy crematorium)
  454. YURENEV (Krotovsky) Konstantin Konstantinovich (1888 – 1938, "Kommunarka")
  455. YURKUN Yuri Ivanovich (Yurkunas Iosif) (1895 - 1938, Levashovo)
  456. YURYEV Grigoriy Yuryevich (1899 - 1937, Sandarmokh)
  457. YAVORSKIY Matvey Ivanovich (1884 - 1937, Sandarmokh)
  458. YALKAYN (Yalakaev) Yanish Yalkaevich (1906 – 1938, "Kommunarka")
  459. YALOVOY Mykhailo Emelyanovich (pseudonym Julian Shpol) (1895 – 1937, Sandarmokh)
  460. YANABI Tukhvat (Tukhvatulla Kalimullin) (1894 – 1938, city of Ufa)
  461. YANCHEVSKIY Nikolay Leonidovich (Leontyevich) (1892 – 1937, city of Rostov-on-Don)
  462. YAROSLAVSKIY Alexander Borisovich (1896—1930, Solovetsky Islands)
  463. YAROSHENKO Vladimir Moiseevich (1898 – 1937, Bykovnya)
  464. YASENSKIY Bruno (Zysman Viktor Yakovlevich) (1901 – 1938, "Kommunarka")

Arrested, sentenced to labor camps, exiled, and those who have taken their own lives:

  1. ABAEV Shamil Bekmurzaevich (Bekmurzaevich) (1878 - 1940, Vladikavkaz) was arrested in 1938.
  2. Abramovich Vladimir Yakovlevich (pseudonym Vladimir Lensky) (1877 - 1932, SLON) (arrested in November 1930 on charges of "involvement in the anti-Soviet group 'Sever', sentenced to 10 years of labor camps in February 1931, died in Solovki).
  3. Agatov Vladimir Garievich (1901 - 1966) was arrested in 1949.
  4. Adamova-Sliozberg Olga Lvovna (1902 - 1991) sentenced to 8 years of labor camps.
  5. Adzhamatov Atkay (Adjiakav) Akimovich (1910 - 1998) (arrested in 1937, released in 1939).
  6. Azhaev Vasily Nikolaevich (1915 - 1968) sentenced to 15 years of corrective labor.
  7. Azadovsky Konstantin Markovich (1941) (in 1980 he fell under investigation by the KGB on fabricated criminal charges of "drug possession": was arrested and sentenced (drugs were planted during the search); served 2 years in the Magadan labor camps; at the same time, his wife Svetlana Azadovskaya was sentenced to 1.5 years of labor camps on the same charges).
  8. Akaev (Arslanbekov) Abusufyan Akai-Kadievich (1872 - 1931) was arrested in June 1929.
  9. Aksenov Vasily Pavlovich (1932 - 2009) was forcibly sent to a children's home for children of prisoners in 1937; on July 22, 1980, he was deprived of Soviet citizenship.
  10. Alborov Boris Andreevich (1886 - 1968) (in 1938 sentenced to 8 years of labor camps on charges of "involvement in a counterrevolutionary organization"; served his term in IvdelLAG (Ivdel).
  11. Aldan-Semyonov (Semenov) Andrei Ignatievich (1908 - 1985, Moscow) (arrested in 1938, spent 15 years in prison and labor camps).
  12. Aleksandrovich Andrey Ivanovich (1906-1963) (from 1938 to 1947 served sentence in the construction of the Norilsk Metallurgical Plant).
  13. Aleksandrovskiy Vasily Dmitrievich (1897 – 1934) (committed suicide).
  14. Aleshko (Oleshko) Vasily Ivanovich (pseudonym Ivan Pidkova) (1889 - not before 1942).
  15. Alyoshin Alexander Pavlovich (1895-1943) (arrested in 1936, released in 1941).
  16. Altman Johann Lvovich (199 - 1955) (arrested in 1949, released in 1953).
  17. Altshuller Genrikh Saulovich (1926 - 1998) sentenced to 25 years of corrective labor camp.
  18. Altshits Daniil Nathanovich (literary pseudonym D. Al) (1919 – 2012, St. Petersburg) (arrested in December 1949 by the UMGB of the Leningrad Region under Article 58-10 part 1 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR ("anti-Soviet agitation"); sentenced to 10 years of labor camps; released and rehabilitated in 1955).
  19. Alyakrinsky Sergey Arkadyevich (1889 – 1938, Bay of Nagayeva) sentenced to 10 years of labor camps.
  20. Amalrik Andrey Alexeyevich (1938 - 1980, near Guadalajara, Spain) (arrested and sentenced to 2.5 years of exile in Siberia "for idleness" in May 1965, lived in the village of Guryevka, Krivosheinsky district of the Tomsk region, released on parole in June 1966; arrested again in May 1970 and transferred to Sverdlovsk; in November 1970 sentenced to 3 years of labor camps under Article 190-1 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR ("dissemination of knowingly false fabrications damaging to the Soviet social and state system"); served his sentence in the Novosibirsk and Magadan regions; in May 1973, on the day of the end of his term, a new criminal case was initiated against him under the same Article 190-1 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR; in July 1973, he was again sentenced to 3 years of labor camps; after a four-month hunger strike protest and international protests, the sentence was changed to 3 years of exile in Magadan, most of the term was spent in the ITK near the village of Talaya; in 1976, under pressure from the regime, he was forced to leave the USSR).
  21. Amiredzhibi Chabua Iraklievich (1921 - 2013, Tbilisi) (in 1944, sentenced to 25 years of imprisonment for participation in the student political group "White George," escaped three times, the third time ended up in the Belarusian SSR with fake documents and became the director of a factory, was again arrested and sent to labor camps; actively participated in the uprising of prisoners in Norilsk in the 4th camp of the Mountain Corrective Labor Camp; with the "punitive" detachment sent to Kolyma to the Berezovsky Corrective Labor Camp; released in 1959).
  22. Andreev Daniil Leonidovich (1906 - 1959) sentenced to 25 years of labor camps.
  23. Andreevsky Ivan Mikhaylovich (pseudonym Andreev) (1894 – 1976, New York) (arrested in spring 1928 in Leningrad, sentenced to 5 years of labor camps by the Collegium of the OGPU of the USSR for "socially dangerous elements"; from 1928 to 1930, he was in the Solovetsky Special Purpose Camp (SLON), in July 1930 he was transferred to Moscow, where he was implicated in the case of the "All-Union Center of the True Orthodox Church," received a new sentence, which he served in the BelbaltLAG; released in the mid-1930s; arrested again in March 1938, later released).
  24. Andreychuk Kesar Emelyanovich (1907 - 1958, Tyvrov) (arrested in 1937, sentenced to 10 years of labor camps).
  25. Anikst Olga Grigoryevna (Braverman Elka Gershevna) (1886 – 1959, Sverdlovsk) (after the execution of her husband A.M. Anikst in March 1938, arrested, sentenced to 8 years of labor camps as a "member of the family of a traitor to the Motherland" and sent to the Temnikovsky camps of the Mordovian SSR (Temlag UMOR 3rd), where she worked in sewing production; after release in December 1945 — settled in the Sverdlovsk region).
  26. Anfilov Gleb Iosafovich (1886 -1938, Baikal Amur Corrective Labor Camp NKVD) (arrested in 1935, sentenced to 5 years of labor camps, died in the camp).
  27. Antsiferov Nikolay Pavlovich (1889 – 1958, Moscow) (arrested in spring 1925, sentenced to 3 years of exile and sent to Omsk, released after 3 months and returned to Leningrad; arrested on the night of April 23, 1929, as a participant in the "counterrevolutionary monarchist organization 'Voskresenie'"; sentenced to 3 years of labor camps in July 1929 and sent to the Solovetsky camp of the OGPU, in May 1930 was arrested in the camp as a "participant in a counterrevolutionary organization," sent to isolation on Sekirnaya Gora in Solovki, then — for further investigation in Leningrad; on June 20, his camp term was extended by 1 year, and he was returned to Solovki; in the summer of 1930, he was sent to Leningrad and implicated in the investigation of the "Academy of Sciences case"; sentenced to 5 years of labor camps in August 1931 and sent to the BelbaltLAG (Medvezhyegorsk); released from the camp in the fall of 1933 and returned to Leningrad; re-arrested in September 1937, sentenced to 8 years of labor camps on December 20 and sent to the Baikal Amur Corrective Labor Camp (Ussuri station); two years later, on December 2, 1939, he was released, and the "case" of October 29, 1929, was closed on review).
  28. Arens Lev Yevgenevich (1890 – 1967, Leningrad) (in March 1935 was sentenced to 5 years of labor camps by the OSO under the NKVD of the USSR as a "socially dangerous element"; served the term as an employee of the agricultural experimental station of the White Sea-Baltic Combine; released in June 1939).
  29. Arensky Pavel Antonovich (1887 - 1941) sentenced to 5 years of corrective labor camps, died in the camp.
  30. Arkavina Vera Yakovlevna (1901 - 1979) sentenced to 3 years of labor camps.
  31. Astemirov Bagautdin Adjioevich (1898 - 1967, Makhachkala) (from 1937 to 1955 arrested, imprisoned in the North railway camps of the NKVD).
  32. Archbishop Athanasius (Malinin Alexander Antonovich) (1884 – 1939, Arkhangelsk) (died in exile).
  33. Afaunov Magomet Aubekirovich (1908 -?) (in 1937 sentenced by the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR to 10 years of labor camps).
  34. Akhmed-Zade (Ahmedzoda) Zulfigar (1898 - 1942, Mariinsk, Kemerovo region) (in 1937 sentenced to 5 years of labor camps).
  35. Babareko Adam Antonovich (1899 - 1938, pos. Knyazh-Pogost Komi ASSR Northern Railway Corrective Labor Camp NKVD) (arrested in 1930, in 1931 sentenced to 5 years of exile in the "SVB case", in 1938 sentenced to 10 years).
  36. Babitsky Konstantin Iosifovich (1929 - 1993, Moscow) (participant in the Moscow demonstration on August 25, 1968, against the introduction of Soviet troops into Czechoslovakia; in October 1968 found guilty by the Moscow City Court of "slander against the Soviet system" and "group actions grossly violating public order," sentenced to 3 years of exile, which he served in the Komi ASSR).
  37. Babushkin Viktor Fyodorovich (1894—1958) (sentenced to 3 years of labor camps in 1935, served his term in Vorkuta).
  38. Bagmut Ivan Andrianovich (1903 - 1975) (sentenced to 6 years of labor camps in 1935).
  39. Bagryany (Lozovyaga) Ivan Pavlovich (1907-1963) (was in prison from 1932 to 1940).
  40. Bagun Mikhase (Blokshkin, Mikhail Fyodorovich) (1908 - 1938) arrested in November 1936, sentenced to 8 years of labor camps, died from diseases and exhaustion in a transit camp).
  41. Badoev Kazbek Isaevich (1901 – 1979, North Ossetian ASSR) (arrested in October 1938; sentenced to 10 years of labor camps by the North Caucasus Military Tribunal in July 1939; released in 1955).
  42. Baduev Said Suleymanovich (1904 – 1943) (arrested in 1937).
  43. Balagin (Gershanovich) Alexander Samuilovich (1894 – arrested in 1937).
  44. Barkova Anna Alexandrovna (1901 – 1976, Moscow) (arrested at the end of 1934 and sentenced to 5 years of labor camps; served her term in the Karlag (1935-1939); in 1940-1947 lived under administrative supervision in Kaluga; in 1947 arrested and sentenced to labor camps; served her term in Inta; released in 1956; arrested again in November 1957 (again on charges of "anti-Soviet agitation"); served her term in the Mordovian labor camps (1958-1965).
  45. Prof. Barkhin Konstantin Borisovich (1876—1938) (died after arrest).
  46. Barshev Nikolai Valerianovich (1888 - 1938, Zurbinsky placer, Magadan region) (arrested in 1937, sentenced to 7 years of labor camps by the Special Collegium of the Leningrad Regional Court).
  47. Basok Vasily Yakovlevich (pseudonym V. B. Ivyas, Uncle Bas) (1906 - 1938, Kolyma) (died in labor camps).
  48. Batyrshin Sirin Khanifovich (1896 – 1969, Bavly, Tatar ASSR) (arrested in August 1935 on charges of "conducting anti-Soviet propaganda, composing and distributing anti-Soviet and pornographic works"; sentenced to 5 years of labor camps by the Special Council of the NKVD of the USSR in January 1936; released in 1940).
  49. Batshev Vladimir Semyonovich (1947) (sentenced to 5 years for "loafing" in 1966; served exile in the village of Bolshoy Uluy, Krasnoyarsk Territory; under pressure from international public opinion, particularly from the publishing house Possev, released in 1968 under amnesty).
  50. Bach Franz Ivanovich (1885 - 1942, labor camps) (sentenced to 8 years of labor camps in 1938).
  51. Bashiri Zarif Sharafutdinovich (1888 – 1962, Ufa) (arrested in April 1938, sentenced to labor camps as a "bourgeois nationalist-Sultan-Galievite"; from 1938 to 1943 served his term in Kolyma, then in exile in the Belebeyevsky district of the Bashkir ASSR; returned to Ufa in 1948).
  52. Beibulatov Temir-Bulat (1879 - 1942, Karaganda) (died in the Karaganda camp for invalids).
  53. Belinkov Arkady Viktorovich (1921 - 1970) sentenced to 25 years of labor camps.
  54. Belykh Grigory Georgievich (1906 - 1938, transit prison No. 2).
  55. Berggolts (Bergkholtz) Olga Fyodorovna (1910 - 1975, Leningrad) (arrested in December 1938, released in July 1939; husband B. Kornilov shot in February 1938).
  56. Bianki-Belyanin Vitaly Valentinovich (1894 – 1959, Leningrad) (arrested twice in 1921 by the Cheka of Biysk, spent 3 weeks in prison as a hostage; in September 1922 warned of possible arrest and, having obtained a business trip, went with his family to Petrograd; at the end of 1925 arrested again and sentenced to 3 years of exile in Uralsk; in 1928, thanks to numerous petitions, received permission to move to Novgorod, and then to Leningrad; re-arrested in November 1932 and released three and a half weeks later "due to lack of evidence"; in March 1935, as the "son of a personal nobleman, former SR, active participant in armed uprising against the Soviet government," was arrested and sentenced to 5 years of exile in the Aktobe region; thanks to the intercession of E.P. Peshkova, the exile was canceled).
  57. Bogatyrev Konstantin Petrovich (1925 – 1976, Moscow) (arrested in 1951 on denunciation of a sexot, accused of "attempting a state coup and murder of all government members"; sentenced to death penalty, commuted to 25 years of labor camps; served his term in VorkutaLAG; released in 1956).
  58. Bogdanovich Yanka (Ivan) Antonovich (1906 – 1990).
  59. Bozhko Savva Zakharovich (1901 -1947, Dnipropetrovsk region) (from 1938 to 1943, imprisoned in the Uhta labor camps).
  60. Bokov Viktor Fyodorovich (1914 — 2009, Moscow) (arrested in 1942, sentenced to labor camps; from 1947 to 1956, served exile).
  61. Boldyrev Alexander Vasilievich (1896 - 1941, Leningrad) (arrested in 1928 and accused of "anti-Soviet activities", sentenced to 5 years of labor camps (served his term in Solovki); released in 1931 and deported to Kotlas for the remaining term; rearrested in 1937, but soon released).
  62. Bondarin Sergey Alexandrovich (1903 – 1978, Moscow) (arrested in March 1944 while serving as a political officer in the Black Sea Fleet, sentenced to 8 years of labor camps for "anti-Soviet agitation" in April 1945; served his term until 1953 in Mariinsk (Kemerovo region), then in Taishet, followed by exile in Krasnoyarsk region).
  63. Borisenko Ivan Pavlovich (1890 - 1964) sentenced to 10 years of corrective labor camps.
  64. Borisoglebsky (Shatalin) Mikhail Vasilievich (1896 - 1942, Leningrad) (arrested in 1942, sentenced to 10 years of labor camps).
  65. Brodsky Joseph Alexandrovich (1940 - 1996, New York) (arrested in January 1964 in Leningrad on charges of "parasitism", sent by court for compulsory forensic psychiatric examination to Psychiatric Hospital No. 2, where he stayed for three weeks; sentenced by the Leningrad City Court in March to 5 years of forced labor in remote areas, convoyed with criminal prisoners to Norinskaya village, Kono district, Arkhangelsk region; under regime pressure, forced to leave the USSR in May 1972).
  66. Bugaevsky Yevgeny (1911 – 1938).
  67. Budantsev Sergey Fyodorovich (1896—1940) (arrested in April 1938, sentenced to 8 years of labor camps for "counter-revolutionary propaganda"; transferred to Kolyma in the summer of 1939, where he worked as a driller at a gold placer; died at the camp point "Invalidny").
  68. Bukulov Alexey Dmitrievich (1920-2010, Tskhinvali) (arrested in 1951 based on denunciation, sentenced to 25 years of labor camps; released in 1956).
  69. Validi, Jamal (1887—1932) (died while serving sentence on construction of the White Sea–Baltic Canal).
  70. Archbishop Varlaam (Ryashentsev Viktor Stepanovich) (1878 – 1942, Vologda prison) (arrested in 1924 in Pskov and sentenced to 2 years of imprisonment; served his term in Yaroslavl prison from 1924 to 1926; rearrested in September 1929 in Yaroslavl in the case of the "Church-monarchist organization 'True Orthodoxy'"; sentenced in January 1930 by the OGPU Collegium to 3 years of labor camps; served his term in Kotlas camp; in May 1931, by decision of the OGPU Collegium, the term was increased to 10 years; transferred from Kotlas to Solovki; released early in February 1933; lived in exile in Vologda; rearrested in November 1940 in Vologda, placed in the internal prison of the NKVD; sentenced by the judicial collegium on criminal cases of the Vologda region in August 1941 to death penalty, which was commuted to 10 years of labor camps by decision of the Supreme Court of the USSR in November 1941; died in prison).
  71. Varshavsky Sergei Ivanovich (Israel Mordukhovich) (1875 – 1945, Prague(?)) (arrested by SMERSH after the occupation of Prague).
  72. Vasilevich Glafira Makarovna (1895 – 1971, Leningrad) (arrested in April 1952, sentenced by the SCUD of the Leningrad City Court in July 1952 to 10 years of labor camps with deprivation of rights for 5 years under Part 1 of Article 5810 of the RSFSR Criminal Code; served her term in the Molotov region; released in 1955).
  73. Vvedensky Alexander Ivanovich (1904 - 1941, Kazan cemetery, Arkhangelsk) (arrested in 1941, died during evacuation from Kharkov).
  74. Vegman Veniamin Davidovich (1873 - 1936, Novosibirsk) (died during investigation).
  75. Weinert Yuri Nikolaevich (1914 - 1951, Severo-Eniseysk, Krasnoyarsk region) (arrested in 1932, sentenced to exile; released early in 1935; rearrested in 1937, sentenced to 10 years of labor camps (served his term in Abakan, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, then in the Svobodny labor camp-factory; rearrested in 1948, sentenced in 1949 to permanent settlement in the Krasnoyarsk region).
  76. Venskiy Yevgeny (Yevgeny Osipovich Pyatkin) (1885 - 1943, Krasnoyarsk Krai) (arrested in 1942, sentenced to 5 years of exile, died of dystrophy).
  77. Venus Georgy Davidovich (1898 - 1939, Leningrad) (returned from white emigration in 1926, arrested in Leningrad in 1935 in connection with the murder of S.M. Kirov, exiled to Kuibyshev; in April 1938 arrested again, sent to Leningrad; died in a prison hospital from beatings during interrogations).
  78. Wildanov, Gabdelkhat Fazlyevich (1895—1946) (sentenced to 3 years in 1936 as a "Bashkir nationalist").
  79. Virtanen Yalmar Erikovich (1889 - 1939, SevzhedorLAG, Komi ASSR) (arrested in 1938, sentenced to 10 years of labor camps).
  80. Vishnya Ostap (Grunsky; Gubenko Pavel Mikhailovich) (1889 – 1956, Kiev) (arrested in 1933 and sentenced to 10 years of labor camps on charges of "preparing an assassination" of P. Postyshev; released in 1943).
  81. Vladimirov Emil Vladimirovich (Sherman Emil Semenovich) (1897 – 1939).
  82. Voznesenskaya Yulia (Okulova (Tarapovskaya) Yulia Nikolaevna) (1940 - 2015, Berlin) (sentenced to 5 years of exile for "anti-Soviet propaganda" in 1976, escaped from exile in Leningrad, faced trial in the case of Y. Rybakov, leading to 2 years of labor camps until June 1979; emigrated from the USSR in 1980).
  83. Voznesensky (Brodsky) Alexander Sergeevich (1880 – 1939, Novaya Shulba, Semipalatinsk region, Kazakh SSR).
  84. Volosevich Yanka (1912 – 1937).
  85. Vygodsky David Isaakovich (1893 – 1943, Karaganda ITL) (arrested in February 1938 in Leningrad, sentenced to 5 years of labor camps by the OGPU of the NKVD of the USSR in July 1940).
  86. Vyshivanij Vasyl (von Habsburg-Lothringen Wilhelm Franz) (1895 – 1948, Lukyanovskaya Prison Hospital, Kiev) (died in prison).
  87. Gabay Ilya Yankelovich (1935 - 1973, Baku) (held under arrest from January to August 1967 for participating in a demonstration in defense of Y. Galanskov, V. Lashkova, A. Dobrovolsky, and P. Radzievsky; rearrested in May 1969, sentenced in January 1970 by the Tashkent court to 3 years of general regime labor camps under Article 190-1 of the RSFSR Criminal Code ("dissemination of knowingly false fabrications that defame the Soviet state") for participation in the Crimean Tatar movement; served his term in Kemerovo labor camps; in March 1972, he was involved as a witness in the so-called criminal case against the publishers and distributors of "Chronicle of Current Events"; released in May 1972; committed suicide after the public betrayal by Yakir P. and Krasin V.).
  88. Gabai Tamara Grigorievna (1903—1960, Moscow) (arrested in 1937 in Leningrad in the case of "counter-revolutionary group of S. Marshak in Detgiz", released in 1938 thanks to petitions from K. I. Chukovsky and S. Ya. Marshak).
  89. Gabitov, Khabibulla Abdelkadyrovich (1886 - 1939, Magadan) (died in labor camps).
  90. Gadaev Magomed Salah (1909 - 1972) (arrested in 1942, sentenced to 15 years of labor camps, released in 1956; in 1957 sentenced to 15 years for the murder of a writer who insulted the Chechen people).
  91. Galanskov Yuri Timofeevich (1939 - 1972, Barashevo, ITL No. 13, Mordovian SSR) (arrested in 1967, sentenced to 7 years of strict regime ITL in 1968, died in a camp hospital from blood infection after surgery)
  92. Galich Yuri (Georgy Ivanovich Goncharenko) (1877 – 1940, Riga) (committed suicide after being summoned to the NKVD)
  93. Hartny Tishka (Dmitry Fyodorovich Zhilunovich) (1887 – 1937, Minsk) (arrested in 1937, transferred from prison to a psychiatric hospital)
  94. Geniush (Miklashevich) Larisa Antonovna (1910 – 1983, Grodno region) (arrested in March 1948 near Prague, in October 1948 transferred to Minsk prison, in February 1949 sentenced with her husband to 25 years of ITL; served her sentence in Inta and Abez camps (Komi ASSR), as well as in Mordovian SSR; in May 1956, the USSR Supreme Court reduced her sentence to 8 years; released in 1956)
  95. Gereev Yusup (Yakov Sirmays) (1903 -1941) (arrested in 1938, released in 1940)
  96. Gershuni Vladimir Lvovich (1930 – 1994, Moscow) (arrested in 1949, sentenced to 10 years of ITL, released in 1955; rearrested in 1969 (held a hunger strike for 55 days), forcibly kept in Orlovskaya psychiatric hospital from 1970 to 1974; placed under compulsory treatment during the Moscow Olympics in 1980; arrested again in 1982 and placed in a specialized psychiatric hospital in Blagoveshchensk, then in Talgar, Alma-Ata region, released in December 1987)
  97. Zhitsky Vladimir Zenonovich (1895 - 1973, Lviv) (from 1934 a prisoner of ITL in the Komi ASSR, released after 1953)
  98. Gizetti Alexander Alexeyevich (1888 – 1938, prison of the Main Directorate of the NKVD in Kuibyshev)
  99. Glinka-Yanchevsky Stanislav Kazimirovich (1844 – 1921, Petrograd) (arrested by the Cheka in 1918 as a Russian nationalist and Judeophobe, did not leave prison)
  100. Gollerbach Erich Fedorovich (1895 – 1942, Vologda) (arrested in 1933 on charges of "subversive activities" ("case of R. Ivanov-Razumnik"), released shortly after)
  101. Gorbanevskaya Natalia Iosifovna (1936 - 2013, Paris) (participant in the Moscow demonstration on August 25, 1968 against the introduction of Soviet troops into Czechoslovakia, detained, released; managed to refuse to be recognized as mentally ill; arrested in 1969, from January 1971 to February 1972 forcibly treated in the Kazan Special Psychiatric Hospital and at the V. Serbsky Institute; left the USSR in 1975)
  102. Gordienko Dmitry Prokofievich (1901 – 1974, Kiev region) (arrested in December 1934 in Kharkov, accused as a "participant in a counter-revolutionary terrorist organization" and sentenced to 5 years of ITL; served his sentence in Kolyma; from 1939 worked as a freelance worker in the Dalstroy system of the NKVD of the USSR; arrested again in May 1949 in Biysk and in July 1949 sentenced by the Altai Regional Court to 25 years of ITL; released in 1955 due to illness)
  103. Grigoryants (formerly Shenberg) Sergei Ivanovich (1941) (arrested by the KGB in 1975 and sentenced to 5 years of ITL for "anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda"; after release in 1982—1983, distributed information in samizdat about human rights violations in the USSR; arrested again in 1983 and sentenced to 7 years of strict regime ITL for his human rights activities; released in 1987)
  104. Grosman Lev Alexeevich (1920 — 1985) — screenwriter, political prisoner of the Gulag, prototype of one of the characters in Alexander Solzhenitsyn's story "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich," arrested in 1949, served his sentence in the Special Camps, released in 1954)
  105. Grosse Lev Viktorovich (1906 - after 1950, ITL)
  106. Gubanov Leonid Ivanovich (1946 - 1983) (hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital in 1966, where he was forced to testify against A.I. Ginzburg)
  107. Gusman Boris Evseevich (Borukh Gamzeyevich) (1892 – 1944, settlement Vozhayol, Komi ASSR) (arrested in 1938, sentenced to ITL)
  108. Daniel (Meerovich) Yuly Markovich (pseudonym Nikolai Arzhak) (1925 - 1988, Moscow) (arrested in 1965 and sentenced to 5 years of ITL on charges of "anti-Soviet agitation"; released in 1970)
  109. Delone Vadim Nikolaevich (1947 - 1983, Paris) (in September 1967 sentenced to 1 year (conditionally) as a participant in a demonstration on Pushkinskaya Square in defense of Yu. Galanskov, A. Dobrovolsky, and V. Lashkova. Participant in the Moscow demonstration on August 25, 1968 against the introduction of Soviet troops into Czechoslovakia, in October 1968 convicted under Articles 190-1 and 190-3 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR for a total of 2 years and 10 months of ITL, taking into account the previous unexpired sentence; served his sentence in the Tyumen region in the zone for convicts on criminal charges; released in 1971; emigrated in 1975)
  110. Javid Gusein (Rasizade Gusein Abdul ogly) (1882 - 1941, ZapLAG, Kazakhstan) (sentenced to 8 years in 1939)
  111. Dzassokhov Vaso Grigorievich (1900 – 1943) (arrested in 1941 based on denunciation)
  112. Ditrikh Georgy Stanislavovich (1906-1943) arrested on July 11, 1940, under Article 121 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR (disclosure of information not subject to disclosure), sentenced to 5 years of ITL;
  113. Prof. Dovatur Aristid Ivanovich (1897 - 1982, Leningrad) (arrested in 1935 in Leningrad and "as part of the city's purification from socially alien elements" was exiled to Saratov; in October 1937, he was arrested again and sentenced to 10 years of ITL; released on October 2, 1947.)
  114. Dombrovsky Yuri Osipovich (Josephovich) (1909 – 1978, Moscow) (arrested in 1933 and expelled from Moscow to Alma-Ata; arrested in 1936, released without charges; arrested in 1939, served sentence in ITL Kalyms; in 1943 was prematurely released due to disability and returned to Alma-Ata; arrested in 1949, served sentence in OzerLAG; in 1978 was attacked by a group of unidentified villains, most likely sent by the KGB USSR, and died)
  115. Dyakov Boris Alexandrovich (1902 - 1992, Moscow) (arrested in 1949, sentenced by the OSO under the Ministry of State Security of the USSR to 10 years of ITL; served sentence in OzerLAG; released in 1954)
  116. Egunov Andrey Nikolaevich (pseudonym Andrey Nikelev) (1895 - 1968, Leningrad) (in January 1933 was arrested in the case of R.V. Ivanov-Razumnik and expelled from Leningrad to the village of Podgornoye, Tomsk region; after 1944 found himself in Germany, in 1946 fled to the American sector of occupation, was extradited and sentenced by the Special Meeting to 10 years of ITL (served sentence in Western Siberia and Kazakhstan)
  117. Captain Elchaninov Georgy Georgievich (pseudonym Yegor Yegorov) (1870 – 1931, Moscow) (arrested in 1931, died after release)
  118. Esenin Sergei Alexandrovich (1895 - 1925, Leningrad)
  119. Esenin-Volpin Alexander Sergeyevich (1924 - 2016, Boston) (arrested on July 21, 1949 based on denunciation; charged with conducting "anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda" (in fact, for writing and reading to a narrow circle of acquaintances poems "I never took the plows..." and "Raven" and others); sent for forensic psychiatric examination, found "mentally incompetent" and was placed under compulsory treatment in the Leningrad Special Psychiatric Hospital; in September 1950, as a "socially dangerous element", he was exiled to the Karaganda region for 5 years; released in December 1953 under amnesty; in 1959 was again placed in a special psychiatric hospital for transmitting abroad a collection of his poems and his "Free Philosophical Treatise", where he spent about two years; in 1968 was forcibly hospitalized again; in 1972 emigrated to the USA)
  120. Efremov Sergey Alexandrovich (1876 - 1939, Yaroslavl prison)
  121. Zagul Dmitry Yuryevich (1890 - 1944, Urulga station, Zabaykalsky Krai) (from 1933 a prisoner of the ITL NKVD)
  122. Zamyatin Yevgeny Ivanovich (1884 – 1937, Paris) (arrested in March 1919 in Petrograd, released "without consequences"; in 1922, Zamyatin's name was included in the lists for expulsion from Soviet Russia for formal reasons (publication of the story "Arabs" in the "Petersburg Collection"), on August 17, 1922, he was arrested with the resolution "expulsion postponed until further notice"; spent almost a month in the GPU prison, however, thanks to the efforts of influential friends, the verdict was canceled; in November 1931, he received permission to leave the USSR, but did not sever ties with the regime)
  123. Zuev-Ordynets Mikhail Yefimovich (1900 – 1967, Karaganda) (arrested in April 1937, served 19 years in imprisonment in prisons and ITL KarLAG)
  124. Ibrahimov Galimdzhan Girfanovich (1887 - 1938, died in the prison hospital of Kazan)
  125. Ivanov-Razumnik (Ivanov) Razumnik Vasilyevich (1878 – 1946, Munich) (since 1919, he was repeatedly arrested as an "ideological inspirer of populism", after a short stay in prison, he was released; in February 1933 he was arrested and exiled to Siberia as "anti-Soviet element"; lived in exile first in Novosibirsk, then in Saratov; arrested in September 1937, accused of "counter-revolutionary agitation", rejected all charges; in June 1939 was released from prison "due to the termination of the case")
  126. Ivchenko Mikhail Evdokimovich (1890 - 1939, Ordzhonikidze) (in 1929-1930 was arrested, convicted in the so-called "SOYUZ case", conditionally released)
  127. Ignatiev Nikon Vasilievich (1895 -1941, Birobidzhan ITL) (in 1937 sentenced to 10 years of ITL)
  128. Archbishop Illarion (Troitsky Vladimir Alexeyevich) (1886 – 1929, Leningrad) (in March 1922 was arrested, in June was exiled to Arkhangelsk for 1 year; in 1923 returned from exile, arrested and sentenced to 3 years of ITL; in 1925 was temporarily transferred to the Yaroslavl political isolation ward, where he leaned towards supporting the Gregorians, refused and reported on the fact of inclination to other prisoners, for which he was sentenced to another 3 years of ITL and sent back to SLOn; in the fall of 1929 sentenced to 3 years of exile in Central Asia; sent on stage, caught typhus among exiles and prisoners; removed from the stage and sent to the Leningrad prison, where he was hospitalized and died a few days later)
  129. Imshenik Fyodor Petrovich (1881 - ?) (in 1931 was sentenced to 5 years of exile in Ufa)
  130. Ivan Kyrla (Ivanov Kirill Ivanovich) (1909 - 1943, ITL) (in 1937 sentenced by the "3" NKVD MarASSR to 10 years of ITL)
  131. Kaganov Isaak Borisovich (Itzhak Berlovich-Dovovich) (1904 - 1978, Israel) (from 1948 to 1955 served in prisons and ITL, sentenced to the highest measure of punishment (execution) in September 1953)
  132. Kazarnovsky Yuri Alexandrovich (1904 – 1960(?)) (arrested in 1926; from 1928-1932 served in SLON; arrested again in 1937, served sentence in Kolyma and Mariinsky ITK)
  133. Kalinets Igor Mironovich (1939) (in 1972 sentenced to 6 years of strict regime prison and 3 years of exile for participation in dissident movement)
  134. Kalinets (Stasiv) Irina Onufrievna (wife of Kalinets I.) (1940 -2012, Lviv) (in 1972 sentenced for "anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda" to 6 years of imprisonment in strict regime camps and 3 years of exile; served sentence in the Chita region; released in 1981)
  135. Kalnitsky Yakov Isaakovich (1895-1949, Kharkov) (arrested in 1938, sentenced to 3 years of ITL, released in 1941)
  136. Kamensky Anatoly Pavlovich (1876 – 1941, UkhtizhemLAG) (arrested in 1937, sentenced to ITL)
  137. Karsavin Lev Platonovich (1882 – 1952, Abeski ITL for invalids of the Komi ASSR) (in 1949 arrested and accused of "participation in the anti-Soviet Eurasian movement and preparation for overthrowing Soviet power"; in March 1950 sentenced to 10 years of ITL by the OSO under the Ministry of State Security of the USSR; died of tuberculosis in the camp)
  138. Kichura Meletiy Emelyanovich (1881 - 1938, ITL)
  139. Klishbiev Ismail Batyrbekovich (arrested in 1942, sentenced to 5 years of ITL in 1943)
  140. Kovalenko Ivan Yefimovich (1919 - 2001, Boyarka) (arrested on denunciation in 1972, sentenced to 5 years in strict regime camps for producing samizdat, released in 1977 as a disabled person of the 2nd group)
  141. Kovinka Alexander Ivanovich (1900-1985, Poltava) (since 1935 a prisoner of ITL in Magadan)
  142. Kozyrev Mikhail Yakovlevich (1892 — 1942, Saratov prison)
  143. Konoplin-Gorny Ivan Stepanovich (1894 – September 1953, Abeski ITL for invalids of the Komi ASSR) (arrested in 1948 in Berlin by the organs of the Ministry of State Security, in February 1950 sentenced by the OSO under the Ministry of State Security of the USSR "for cooperation with German intelligence and punitive activities against anti-fascists" to 10 years of ITL)
  144. Academician Konrad Nikolay Iosifovich (1891 – 1970, Moscow) (in July 1938 arrested in Leningrad, tortured during interrogations in the 3rd department of the UNVD Lo; in November 1939 sentenced by the OSO under the NKVD of the USSR to 5 years of ITL; sent to Kansk; in the winter of 1939/1940 worked in a camp on a logging site; thanks to the efforts of influential persons (including the president of the USSR Academy of Sciences V.L. Komarov) was sent to a "sharashka", where he worked with Chinese and Japanese languages; in the first half of 1941 engaged in scientific work directly in the Butyrskaya prison, where he was in connection with the review of the case; released by the decision of the OSO under the NKVD of the USSR on September 8, 1941)
  145. Kopelev Lev Zinovievich (Kopelovich Lev Zalmanovich) (1912 - 1997, Cologne) (in 1945 in the rank of Major of the Administrative Service arrested and sentenced to 10 years of ITL "for the propaganda of bourgeois humanism" and for "sympathy for the enemy"; served sentence in UnzhaLAG and in a closed CB in Marfino; released in 1954)
  146. Krasnov-Levitin (Levitin) Anatoly Emmanuilovich (1915 - 1991, Lucerne) (arrested in 1934 for a short period on "church case"; arrested again in 1949 and sentenced to 10 years of ITL for calling Stalin "an ober-bandit" in a private conversation; in September 1969 arrested again, accused under Article 142 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR (violation of laws on the separation of church and state) and under Article 190-1 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR (slander against the Soviet state system), in August 1970 released due to lack of evidence; arrested in May 1971, sentenced by the Moscow City Court to 3 years of ITL; served sentence in ITL in Sychyovka, Smolensk region; in 1974 emigrated from the USSR)
  147. Krymsky, Agafangel Efimovich (1872 - 1942, Kustanay, died in exile)
  148. Kubalov Alexander Byzievich (1871 - 1937, Vladikavkaz or 1944, ITL)
  149. Kuvatov Mukhamedgalim Abdulganievich (1866—1937) (in 1933 sentenced to 3 years conditionally as a "Bashkir nationalist")
  150. Kuznetsov Vladimir Petrovich (1936) (arrested in March 1957 and sentenced under Article 58-10 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR for "anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda", served sentence in DubravaLAG)
  151. Kuzmich Vladimir Savvich (1904 - 1943, ITL Kazakh SSR)
  152. Kurbanov Amir Abakarovich (1909 - 1966) (1937 - 1944 in exile)
  153. Kusikov (Kusikyants) Alexander Borisovich (1896 – 1977, Paris) (arrested in Moscow on the night of October 19, 1920, with his brother Ruben and Sergei Yesenin, released after three weeks; left the USSR in 1922, did not sever ties with the regime)
  154. Landau Grigory Adolfovich (Aronovich) (1877 – 1941, Surmog of the Solikamsky district of the Perm region, near Solikamsk) (arrested in 1940; died in the UsolLAG (AM-244) camp)
  155. Larry Jan Leopoldovich (1900 – 1977, Leningrad) (arrested in April 1941; sentenced in July 1941 to 10 years of ITL with subsequent deprivation of rights for five years by the judicial collegium for criminal cases of the Leningrad city court)
  156. Letonmyaki Lauri Matveevich (1886 - 1935) (committed suicide after being expelled from the CPSU (b))
  157. Lyubarskaya Alexandra Iosifovna (1908—2002, St. Petersburg) (arrested in 1937 in Leningrad in the case of "counter-revolutionary group of S. Marshak in Detgiz," released in 1938 thanks to the petition of K. Chukovsky and S. Marshak)
  158. Lyubimov Nikolai Mikhailovich (1912 - 1992, Moscow) (arrested in the early 1930s and served three years in exile in Arkhangelsk)
  159. Maisler Mikhail Moiseevich (1903 – 1942, near Leningrad) (arrested in 1938, released in 1939)
  160. Maksudi Ahmedhadzhi (Hadi) Nizamutdinovich (1868 -1941) (arrested in 1932 and 1938, sent into exile)
  161. Maliev Georgy Gadoevich (1886 - 1942, ITL) (sentenced to 10 years in 1937)
  162. Maltsev Leonid Mikhailovich (1910 — 1966) — (after captivity sentenced to 10 years in camps)
  163. Mamakayev Arbi Shamsuddinovich (1918 - 1958, Meskety, Chechen-Ingush ASSR, RSFSR) (arrested in 1941, spent six months in prison; expressing opposition to the resettlement of the peoples of the North Caucasus, he was again arrested and deported to Magadan)
  164. Mamakaev Magomet Amaevich (1910 - 1973, Grozny) (arrested in 1937, released in 1939; in 1940 arrested again and was in ITL (Igarka) until 1956)
  165. Mandelstam Mikhail Lvovich (Moisei Leibovich) (1866 – 1939, Moscow) (arrested in June 1938, died in February 1939 in Butyrskaya prison "from heart failure")
  166. Mandelstam Osip (Joseph) Emilevich (1891 - 1938, Vladivostok transit point of Dalstroi in Vladivostok) (in 1938 sentenced to 5 years of ITL OGPU under the NKVD of the USSR)
  167. Medvedev Georges Alexandrovich (1925) (in May 1970 was forcibly placed in the Kaluga psychiatric hospital, released after three weeks due to protests from a number of authoritative Soviet academics and writers)
  168. Meletinsky Eleazar Moiseevich (1918 – 2005, Moscow) (arrested in September 1942 while serving as a military interpreter, sentenced in October of the same year by the military tribunal to 10 years of ITL with subsequent deprivation of rights for 5 years and confiscation of property (Art. 58-10 pt. 2 and 58-1b of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR); released in May 1943 due to health reasons from the prison hospital in Ovchala, near Tbilisi; arrested again in 1949, spent one and a half years in investigative prisons (five and a half months in solitary confinement), sentenced to 10 years of ITL; released from the camp and rehabilitated in the fall of 1954)
  169. Melnichuk Taras Yuryevich (1938(1939) - 1995, Kolomyia, Ukrainian SSR) (arrested in 1972, served time in Perm ITLs)
  170. Mikitenko Ivan Kondratievich (1897 - 1937, killed after arrest)
  171. Mindiyarov Leonid Yakovlevich (1884 - ?) (sentenced to 3 years of exile in 1931)
  172. Mirsay Amir (Amirov, Mirsayaf Masalimovich) (1907-1980) (arrested in 1937 as a "nationalist," released after 1939)
  173. Mnevskaya Galya Ivanovna (pseudonym Galina Orlovna) (1895-1955, Volyn region) (exiled for 5 years to Central Asia in 1931)
  174. Moroz Valentin Yakovlevich (1936) (arrested in September 1965, sentenced to 4 years of ITL under article 62 of the Criminal Code of the Ukrainian SSR ("anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda"); served his sentence in corrective colony ZH-385-17-A in Mordovia; re-arrested in 1970, during a closed trial sentenced to 9 years of imprisonment and 5 years of exile under article 62 of the Criminal Code of the Ukrainian SSR, part 2; in 1979 exchanged for 2 citizens of the USSR, arrested in the USA for espionage)
  175. Mostepanov Sergey Daniilovich (1913 – 2003, Malokurganny village, Karachay-Cherkess Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic) (sentenced to execution in 1937, commuted to 10 years of ITL; served time in UkhtpechLAG from May 1938 to the end of December 1947)
  176. Murzabulatov Suleyman Shangareevich (1890 - 1931, Moscow) (died after being sentenced to execution by the Collegium of the OGPU of the USSR)
  177. Mysyk Vasily (Vasily Alexandrovich) (1907 - 1963, Kharkov) (arrested in 1934, sentenced to 5 years of ITL in 1935)
  178. Nadjmi (Nezhmetdinov) Kavi Gibtovich (1901—1957) (arrested in 1937, sentenced to 10 years, released in 1939)
  179. Nazim, Ali (Mahmudzade Alekber Mahmud oglu) (1906 -1941, Baku) (died in detention)
  180. Nasyri Imam (Nasyrov Imat Nizametdinovich) (1898 - 1942) (arrested in 1937 as a "bourgeois nationalist," sentenced to 8 years of ITL in 1940)
  181. Nasyr Ustman (1913 - 1944) (arrested in 1937, sentenced to 10 years of ITL, died from exhaustion and disease in the camp)
  182. Nedovich Dmitry Savvich (1889 – 1947, Moscow) (arrested in 1944, died under arrest)
  183. Neldikhen (Neldikhen-Auslender) Sergey Yevgenyevich (1891 - 1942, ITL) (arrested in 1931 and deported to Alma-Ata for 3 years; on June 30, 1941, he was again "preventively" arrested)
  184. Nikovsky Andrei Vasilievich (1885 - 1942, Leningrad) (sentenced to execution in 1930 in the so-called "SVU case," commuted to 10 years of ITL)
  185. Novokshonov Ivan Mikhaylovich (1896 -1943, Sverdlovsk)
  186. Nusinov Isaak Markovich (1889 – 1950, Lefortovo Prison) (arrested in 1949, died in prison during the investigation)
  187. Nyurenberg Israel Isaakovich (1883 — 1949)
  188. Nyustrem Ragnar Yakovlevich (1898 — 1939, ITL (Transbaikalia)) (arrested in 1938, sentenced to 10 years of ITL, died from exhaustion and disease in the camp)
  189. Oksman Yulian Grigorievich (1895 — 1970, Moscow) (arrested in November 1936 based on denunciation in Leningrad, sentenced by the OSO under the NKVD of the USSR in June 1937 to 5 years of ITL; served time in Kolyma (SevvostLAG); received a new sentence in 1941 (5 years of ITL) for "slander against the Soviet court"; released in November 1946; in the late 50s-early 60s tried to disclose the names of informants and snitches among Soviet writers and scientists; in 1963, the KGB conducted a search and confiscated diaries, correspondence, and samizdat, the annual investigation was discontinued with the transfer of materials to the Union of Writers and the Institute of Literature for the adoption of "measures of public influence")
  190. Olimpov-Fofanov Konstantin Konstantinovich (1889 — 1940) — arrested in the case of an "anti-Soviet group among some bohemian writers in Leningrad"; on January 2, 1931, he was sentenced to three years. In February 1931, he was re-sentenced in the case of the "anti-Soviet illegal group of writers 'Sever'" to 10 years. Released on August 17, 1938.
  191. Otarov Said Abubekirovich (1903-1975) (was arrested, sent into exile)
  192. Panyusheva-Komissarova Yulia Vasilievna (1912-2009) arrested in 1950, spent almost 3 years in prison: first in a solitary confinement cell in Lefortovo, then in the internal prison in Lubyanka. Released in 1953.
  193. Parras Emil Bertelovich (1884 - 1939, ITL Kotlas, Arkhangelsk Oblast) (sentenced to 10 years of ITL in 1938)
  194. Pereverzev Valerian Fyodorovich (1882 – 1968, Moscow) (arrested in 1938, sentenced to ITL, served time in Kolyma and Minusinsk; released in 1948, settled in Alexandrov city, but in the same year arrested again, spent time in prison and exile in Krasnoyarsk Krai; released in 1956)
  195. Perfilyev Alexander Mikhailovich (pseudonym L. Gantimurov, Alexander Lee) (1895—1973, Munich) (arrested in Prague in 1945 and sentenced to execution as a collaborator of the Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia (KONR), escaped from custody, made his way to the American sector of occupation)
  196. Petrovsky Fyodor Alexandrovich (1890 – 1978, Moscow) (arrested by the OGPU in May 1925 without charge, released from custody a month later; re-arrested in October 1929 as a "participant in an anti-Soviet group at the State Academy of Arts (GAHN)"; sentenced to exile in the Northern Territory for 3 years by the OSO under the Collegium of the OGPU on November 20, 1929, sent to Arkhangelsk; at the request of Pompolit, released prematurely after 2 years)
  197. Pimenov (Shcherbakov) Revolt Ivanovich (1931 - 1990, Berlin) (arrested in March 1957, sentenced in September 1957 to 6 years of ITL by the Leningrad City Court under articles 58 (10-11) of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR; in February 1958 sentenced to a new term - 10 years of ITL (the first one was canceled for "leniency"; from 1958 to 1960 served the sentence in VorkutLag and OzërLag (Irkutsk Oblast); already in November 1958 transferred to a special strict (cell) regime in the camp; from December 1960 was in Vladimir prison; released conditionally with a probationary period of three years by decision of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR in July 1963 at the request of several prominent Soviet scientists; re-arrested in Leningrad in July 1970 and sentenced by the Kaluga Regional Court on October 22, 1970 under article 190-1 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR to 5 years of exile for distributing samizdat)
  198. Pluzhnik Evgeny Pavlovich (1898 - 1936, SLON) (sentenced to execution in 1935, commuted to ITL, died of tuberculosis)
  199. Plyush Leonid Ivanovich (1938 - 2015, France) (arrested in 1972, placed in a psychiatric hospital with an attempt to declare him insane, in 1973 by the decision of the so-called court he was sent for compulsory treatment in a psychiatric hospital of a special (prison) type; until 1975 he was kept in the Dnipropetrovsk psychiatric hospital with the use of powerful drugs, then released under international pressure and in 1976 left the USSR)
  200. Pomerants Grigory Solomonovich (Shloymovich) (1918 – 2013, Moscow) (arrested in 1949 on charges of "anti-Soviet activities," sentenced to 5 years of ITL; released in 1953)
  201. Prishvin Mikhail Mikhailovich (1873 – 1954, Moscow) (arrested by the Cheka in January 1918, released on bail by S.F. Mstislavsky)
  202. Punin Nikolay Nikolaevich (1888-1953, Abezsky ITL for the disabled, Komi ASSR) (arrested in 1921 in the "Case of the Military Opposition," released; re-arrested in the 1930s, released thanks to the petitions of A.A. Akhmatova; re-arrested in 1949 and sentenced to 10 years of ITL by the OSO under the Ministry of State Security of the USSR)
  203. Pyast (Pyastovsky) Vladimir Alexeyevich (1886 - 1940) (exiled from 1930 to 1933)
  204. Rudenko Nikolay Daniilovich (1920 - 2004, Kiev) (arrested in February 1977 for creating and operating the Ukrainian Helsinki Group, sentenced in July 1977 to 7 years of strict-regime ITL and 3 years of exile under part 1 of article 62 of the Criminal Code of the Ukrainian SSR ("anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda"); released in 1987, left the USSR for Germany)
  205. Rukhanen Urho Nesterovich (1907 - 2001, Petrozavodsk) (arrested in 1938, in custody until 1946 in ITL)
  206. Sverstyuk Yevgeny Alexandrovich (1928 - 2014, Kiev) (arrested in January 1972 and sentenced in March 1973 to 7 years of ITL and 5 years of exile under Article 62 part I of the Criminal Code of the Ukrainian SSR for the production and distribution of "samizdat" documents (served sentence in Perm Oblast))
  207. Svetlichnaya Nadezhda Alexeyevna (1936 - 2006, New Jersey, USA) (spent time in the KGB isolation ward for her human rights activities in 1972; sentenced in 1973 to 4 years of camps, served in Mordovian camps; in 1978, after a request from Senator R. Kennedy, left the USSR for the USA)
  208. Svetlichny Ivan Alexeyevich (1929 - 1992, Kiev) (brother of Svetlichnaya N.) (arrested in 1965, released; re-arrested in 1972, sentenced to 7 years of strict-regime camps and 5 years of exile for "anti-Soviet propaganda and agitation"; released in 1983)
  209. Semivolos Ivan Terentyevich (1909 - 1943, KargopolLag NKVD) (sentenced to 7 years of ITL in 1937)
  210. Sinyavsky Andrey Donatovich (pseudonym Abram Tertz) (1925 - 1997, Paris) (arrested in 1965 and sentenced in 1966 to 7 years of ITL on charges of "anti-Soviet agitation"; served sentence in DubrovLag; in 1973 emigrated to France upon invitation)
  211. Skaldin Alexey Dmitrievich (1889 - 1943, KarLag NKVD) (in exile from 1933-1941, re-arrested in 1941 and sentenced to 8 years of ITL)
  212. Sobol Mark Andreevich (Yulyevich, Izrailevich) (1918 – 1999, Moscow) (arrested on December 14, 1934, on the denunciation of a comrade, sentenced by the Collegium of the OGPU of the USSR under article 58, point 10 ("anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda"); from 1935 to October 1936, served his sentence in TemLag NKVD (Poltyma) with subsequent exile)
  213. Sokolov Valentin Petrovich (Valentin Z/K) (1927 - 1982, Novoshakhtinsk) (arrested in 1947, sentenced to 10 years of ITL (VorkutLag); re-arrested in 1958 and sentenced to 10 years of ITL (DubrovLag); in 1970-1972 sentenced to 6 years of imprisonment; a few days before his release, he wrote a statement renouncing Soviet citizenship and demanding to leave the USSR, which led to his accusation of "spreading deliberately false fabrications damaging the Soviet system," declared insane, and sent to a specialized psychiatric hospital in Chernyakhovsk; in 1982 transferred to a psychiatric hospital in Novoshakhtinsk)
  214. Solzhenitsyn Alexander Isaevich (Isaakievich) (1918 – 2008, Moscow) (arrested by SMERSH in February 1945 and sentenced in the summer of 1945 by the OSO to 8 years of ITL and perpetual exile after serving the term (under article 58, point 10, part 2, and point 11) (served his sentence initially in the construction ITL of Moscow, transferred to a closed KB after a year; in 1950 transferred to StepLag; released in February 1953; sent into exile to the village of Berlik, Kokterek District, Jambyl Oblast, released in 1956))
  215. Solovyov Leonid Vasilyevich (1906 – 1962, Leningrad) (arrested in September 1946, spent 10 months in pretrial detention; sentenced to 10 years of ITL by the OSO under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR in June 1947; served the sentence in DubrovLag (Mordovian ASSR); released under amnesty in June 1954)
  216. Sorokin Grigory Emmanuilovich (1898 – 1954, Abezsky camp (MinLag), pos. Abez Komi ASSR) (arrested in June 1949; sentenced to 10 years of ITL by the OSO under the MGB of the USSR in February 1950; served the sentence in the camp No. 5 of the Abez branch of MinLag; died of a heart attack after hearing about his release)
  217. Staritskaya-Chernyakhovskaya Lyudmila Mikhaylovna (1868 - 1941) (sentenced to 5 years conditional imprisonment in 1930 in the "SVU case"; rearrested in 1941 and deported to the Kazakh SSR)
  218. Sterste Elsa (1885 – 1976, Latvian SSR) (arrested in January 1951 in the case of the so-called "French group" (a circle of Latvian intellectuals gathering in a private apartment to discuss French culture); as one of the organizers of this group, sentenced to 25 years of ITL; released on settlement in 1955, suffered a stroke leaving her partially paralyzed; amnestied in 1956)
  219. Stus Vasyl Semenovych (1938 - 1985, Perm-36 ITL, Perm Region) (arrested in 1972, sentenced to 5 years of imprisonment in Mordovia and two years of exile in the Magadan region (under article 62 of the Criminal Code of the Ukrainian SSR "Anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda"); rearrested in 1980 and after a "trial" sentenced to 10 years of forced labor and 5 years of exile (Perm-36 ITL near the village of Kuchino, Perm Region); died in September 1985 after a hunger strike announced on August 27 in solitary confinement)
  220. Superfin Gabriel Gavrilovich (1943) (arrested in July 1973, sentenced in May 1974 to 5 years of ITL and 2 years of exile by the Oryol Regional Court under article 70 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR (anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda); served the sentence in the Perm Region ITL and Vladimir Prison, exile in the village of Turgai, Kazakh SSR; emigrated from the USSR in 1983)
  221. Taratuta Yevgenia Alexandrovna (1912 – 2005, Moscow) (after her father's arrest in 1937, she was exiled to Siberia, returned to Moscow in 1939; arrested in 1950 on charges of "espionage", sentenced to 15 years of ITL for "counterrevolutionary activities", sent to a camp in the Komi ASSR; released in April 1954)
  222. Tarnogradsky Valerian Petrovich (1880 - 1945, TayshetLag) (sentenced to 18 years of hard labor)
  223. Tarsis Valeriy Yakovlevich (1906—1983, Bern) (in 1961-1963, was in a psychiatric clinic by the decision of Nikita Khrushchev; in 1966, was allowed to emigrate from the USSR)
  224. Teneta (Guriy) Boris Iosifovich (1903 - 1935, committed suicide in Lukyanovsky prison, Kiev)
  225. Timchenko Yevgeny Konstantinovich (pseudonym Bogun) (1866 - 1948, Kiev) (arrested in 1938, deported, released in 1943)
  226. Tolstoy Ivan Ivanovich (1880 – 1954, Leningrad) (arrested in the 1930s in the fabricated "golden case" of a group of Leningrad Hellenists ABDE)
  227. Tufanov Alexander Vasilyevich (1977 - 1943, Galich, during evacuation) (arrested in 1931, sentenced to 3 years of ITL, served in Temnikov)
  228. Ulybashev Akhmadia Musayevich (1905 - 1965) (was in the Kolyma ITL from 1935 to 1955)
  229. Usmanov Shamil (Abdulla) Khayrullovich (1898—1937) (died in 1937 in Kazan during interrogation)
  230. Fyodorov Vasily Pavlovich (1883 – 1942, UnzhaLag, Gorky Region) (arrested in February 1941; sentenced to 6 years of ITL by the Moscow City Court on April 16, 1941, under article 58, paragraph 10, part 1 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR ("anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda"); died in the camp)
  231. Professor Fil'shtinsky Isaak Moiseevich (1918 – 2013, Moscow) (arrested in 1949, sentenced to 10 years of ITL under article 58; served the sentence in KargapolLag (Arkhangelsk Region); released under amnesty in 1955)
  232. Formakov Arseny Ivanovich (1900 – 1983, Riga) (after the occupation of Latvia in July 1940, arrested by the NKGB, spent almost a year in Dvinskaya prison; in 1940 sentenced to 7 years of ITL; in June 1941 transferred to Kansk, Krasnoyarsk Krai; returned to Riga; rearrested in September 1949, sentenced to 10 years of ITL; served the sentence in Tayshet, then in the Irkutsk Region and in Omsk; released in 1953)
  233. Fortunatov Boris Konstantinovich (1886 – after 1936, Dolinskaya hospital, KarLag) (arrested in 1933 and in February 1934 sentenced by the Judicial Troika of the Collegium of the GPU of the Ukrainian SSR to 10 years of ITL, transferred to Karaganda; released early in May 1936, remained to work in the camp as a voluntary worker)
  234. Khayri Gainan (Khayretdinov Gainan Badretdinovich (Timergainan Khayretdinovich) (1903 — October 16, 1938, Ufa) (arrested in 1938)
  235. Khariton Boris Iosifovich (1877 – 1942, ITL) (arrested in October 1940 in occupied Latvia, sentenced to 7 years of ITL; died in the camp in 1942)
  236. Kharon Yakov Yevgenyevich (1914 - 1972) (arrested in 1937, sentenced to 10 years of ITL; from 1948-1954 in exile in Aban)
  237. Kharms (Yuvachev) Daniil Ivanovich (1905 - February 1942, psychiatric department of the prison hospital "Kresty" in Leningrad)
  238. Khvylevyy Mykola (Fitilyov Mykola Hryhorovych) (1893 - 1933, Kiev) (committed suicide)
  239. Khayfetz Mikhail Ruvinovich (1934) (arrested in 1974 and sentenced to 4 years of ITL and 2 years of exile under article 70 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR ("anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda"); emigrated from the USSR after returning from exile)
  240. Tsvetaeva Marina Ivanovna (1892 - 1941, Elabuga) (committed suicide; arrested and executed her husband S. Efro, daughter A. Efro was sentenced to ITL)
  241. Chemenzemilni (Vezirov) Yusif (1887 - 1943, station Sukhobezvodnoye, Gorky Region) (sentenced in 1940, died en route to UnzhaLag)
  242. Chertkov Leonid Natanovich (1933 - 2000, Cologne) (sentenced to 5 years of ITL under article 58.10 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR in 1957; served the sentence in DubravLag (Mordovian ASSR); emigrated from the USSR in 1974)
  243. Chichibabin (Polushin) Boris Alexeyevich (1923 - 1994, Kharkov) (arrested in June 1946 and after two years of investigation (from June 1946 to March 1948) in the Lubyanka, Butyrskaya, and Lefortovo prisons, sentenced to 5 years of ITL for "anti-Soviet agitation"; served the sentence in VyatLag, Kirov Region)
  244. Chudakov Sergey Ivanovich (1937 - 1997, Moscow) (arrested in 1974, declared insane by the court and sent for compulsory treatment, after discharge repeatedly admitted to a psychiatric clinic; in 1990, by court decision, was again sent for compulsory treatment)
  245. Shablyovsky Evgeny Stepanovich (1906 - 1983) (20 years in ITL - Solovki, Monchegorsk)
  246. Shakov Talustan Iskhakovich (1890-1972) (was arrested, sent into exile)
  247. Shalamov Varlam Tikhonovich (1907 – 1982, Moscow) (arrested in February 1929 for participating in an underground Trotskyist group and distributing an addition to "Lenin's Testament"; sentenced to 3 years of ITL as a "socially harmful element" without trial; served the sentence in VishLag (Northern Urals); released in 1932; arrested again in January 1937 for "counter-revolutionary Trotskyist activities," sentenced to 5 years of ITL, served the sentence in Sev-vostLag in Kolyma; in June 1943 sentenced to 10 years of ITL for "anti-Soviet agitation" with subsequent loss of rights for 5 years; released in 1956)
  248. Sharif, Aziz Ali oglu (Sharif-zade, Aziz Ali (Kurban-Ali) oglu) (1895 – 1988, Moscow) (arrested by the Cheka in 1921, taken to Baku and sentenced to death by shooting as a Menshevik; escaped execution thanks to N.M. Narimanov)
  249. Shekikhachev Pshikan Dzadzuevich (1889 -?) (in 1937, sentenced to 10 years of ITL as a senior officer of the Red Army)
  250. Shiller Franz Petrovich (1898 – 1955, Krasnoyarsk Krai) (arrested in 1938, sentenced to ITL, released in 1946)
  251. Shtilmark Robert Alexandrovich (1909 – 1985, Moscow) (arrested in April 1945 as an employee of the General Staff under article 58-10; sentenced to 10 years of ITL; sent to the Yenisei corrective labor camp; worked as a topographer, then head of the literary department of the camp theater; served in the 33rd, 25th, and 10th columns near Yanov Stan; released in 1953)
  252. Shubossini Nikolai (Vasilyev Nikolai Vasilyevich) (1889 - 1942, UnzhaLag near the station Sukhobezvodnoye, Gorky Region) (sentenced to ITL in 1937)
  253. Efron Ariadna Sergeyevna (1912 - 1975, Tarusa) (arrested in 1939, sentenced to 8 years of ITL by the Special Board of the NKVD of the USSR; in 1949, sentenced, as a repeat offender, to life exile in the Turukhansky district of the Krasnoyarsk Krai; rehabilitated in 1955)
  254. Yakobi Petr Nikolaevich (1877 – 1941, Kotlas) (arrested by the NKVD in occupied Riga in August 1940, sentenced to 10 years of ITL, died in the camp)

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You can see the list of repressed children's writers and poets here.